This article focuses on nine severe injuries that are generally not diagnosable until the third to fourth week following the date of injury, including how to diagnose these severe injuries. The discovery of any of these injuries early can make a significant difference in the case outcome.
| Digital Exclusive3rd Howe-Yochum Diagnostic Imaging Fellowship Completed
Dr. Kim Hamilton, a radiology resident from Cleveland Chiropractic College, Kansas City, completed the third Howe-Yochum Diagnostic Imaging Fellowship in Denver, Sept. 23.
Dr. Hamilton spent two weeks with Dr. Yochum reviewing his case materials and receiving tutorials. Dr. Hamilton also spent time with three medical radiologists in Denver area hospitals reviewing special imaging procedures, including: arteriography; nuclear medicine scans; computed tomography; magnetic resonance imaging; myelography, and discography.
The Howe-Yochum scholarship is in part sponsored by the Eastman Kodak Company. Kodak gives financial support to the resident and sends Jack Cullinan, RT, to provide lectures and personal tutoring in the technical areas of x-ray quality control and radiation physics.
The fellowship is offered only once a year to a third-year radiology resident.
Iowa Gubernatorial Candidate Visits Palmer
New President for Palmer Alumni Assoc.
Dr. Michael Chimes Jr. (Palmer 1973), who practices in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, was elected president of the PCC International Alumni Association. The Palmer Alumni Association is the largest of all chiropractic alumni groups, and the only one organized in every state, and several foreign countries.
Dr. Chimes' association with chiropractic began in 1955 when his mother's migraine headaches and rheumatoid arthritis were alleviated by chiropractic care. His father soon had the entire family going to the chiropractor.
Dr. Chimes' family, including father Michael Sr., mother Mafalda, sister Lynn and brothers Craig and Gil, performed across the country as "The Chimes Family," a vaudeville harmonica-playing group. In 1956, when they were performing at a fair in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Michael Chimes Sr. brought his family to Davenport to meet B.J. Palmer. "B.J. loved show people because they would always spread the benefits of chiropractic everywhere they performed," Dr. Chimes said. "He rolled out the red carpet for us, personally led a tour of the then Palmer School of Chiropractic campus, posed for pictures, and extended the famous 'B.J. Palmergram,' entitling us to gratuitous chiropractic care as we traveled for performance throughout the U.S. and Canada."
His service to the alumni association began in 1973. In 1977, he was elected president of the Palmer Alumni Assoc. in New Jersey, and five years later was elected eastern regional director of the PCC International Alumni Association. Eight years later, he was elected second vice president of the association, and in 1992 he was elected first vice president.
Life is Expanding
Life College is in the process of expanding and improving its campus facilities. A new 2,800 square foot student clinic has been built. The clinic will have 35 tables, and will be staffed by eight DCs. The 5,400 square foot modular classroom building, adjacent to the outpatient clinic, is also a new structure.
Life is also building a $1 million stadium scheduled for completion in May of 1995. The stadium will seat 12,000 and will be used by the community as well as the school. The college has also recently purchased three new buildings. Improvements and expansion are planned for the Sports Science Center and the Basic Science Center.