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Mid West College Clips

National College of Chiropractic
Editorial Staff

Federal Grant to NCC

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has awarded National College of Chiropractic (NCC) a Health Careers Opportunity Program grant of $430,000 to be dispersed to NCC over the next three years. The grant funds a program to attract and retain minority and disadvantaged students who have demonstrated an interest in pursuing chiropractic studies. Emory Giles, PhD, NCC dean of institutional analysis and development, submitted the successful grant application.


Volunteers Treat at World Cup Soccer

NCC faculty, clinicians, students, and alumni provided emergency first aid to the stage and field participants at the opening ceremonies for the World Cup Soccer in Chicago.

A sweltering heat wave resulted in 75-100 performers being treated for heat-related conditions. Backstage, DCs Delilah Renegar and Bill Toth were assisting when Oprah Winfrey was brought in with a deep scrape down her leg.

Mark Mandell, a NCC student and Chicago Bulls cheerleader, recruited the NCC emergency volunteers, many of whom are members of the college's Sports Injury Club. The volunteers took eight-hour shifts every day for two weeks prior to the opening ceremonies, with at least 10 different teams consisting of two physicians and eight to nine students standing by to offer first aid while the performers (over 400 in number) practiced their routines.


NCC Selected for New Federal Loan Program

National is one of 983 schools selected to participate in the Federal Direct Student Loan Program beginning in the 1995-96 academic year. The program is a new streamlined system to restructure the nation's student loan programs.

Loans will be provided directly to students via the schools, reducing administrative middlemen (i.e., guarantee agencies, banks, and other private lenders). By taking advantage of the federal government's ability to borrow money at a lower interest rate, direct lending will save taxpayers billions of dollars.


Canadian Students Dominate

Four of the five NCC student council officers for 1994-1995 are Canadian. President -- Daniel Voth (Grimbsy, Ontario); Vice President -- Linda Mihalic (Windsor, Ontario); Secretary -- Robert Mason (Saint Catherine); Treasurer -- Paul Carless (Dundas, Ontario); Athletic Director -- Shad Foster (Van Wert, Ohio).


Palmer College of Chiropractic

Dr. R. Douglas Baker led the delegation.

Travels to China

Palmer's administrative assistant to the president, Dr. R. Douglas Baker, and faculty clinician Dr. Tom Ring traveled to China at the invitation of the Chinese Medical Association. Dr. Baker led the delegation, which traveled to health care facilities, hospitals, sports schools, and children's centers in Beijing, Xi'an, and Shanghai. The group was organized by the Citizens Ambassador Program, which sponsors groups of professionals meeting with their counterparts in other countries.


Palmer College's extensive renovation program includes tuck-pointing several campus buildings, including the administration building shown here.
October 1994
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