While there may be no “magic bullet” when it comes to health, this should not dissuade patients or practitioners from seeking out ingredients that offer multiple health benefits. When it comes to dietary supplements, there are thousands upon thousands of choices. So, why not choose one that can address pain and assist with mental health? A supplement that can address inflammation, while also preventing certain types of cancer.
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A Moment of Silence for Michael Mythen, DC
Dr. Michael Mythen, an instructor in Palmer College's Technique Department since Oct. 1992, was killed in a car accident near LeClaire, Iowa on June 17.
Dr. Mythen, a graduate of Cleveland Chiropractic College, Kansas City (1986), was an expert skydiver. He was selected as the team chiropractor for the 1994 US Parachute Team that traveled to China for the world championships May 26-June 8, 1994. In June 1993, Dr. Mythen was a member of the first-place Precision Canopy Accuracy Team at the National Parachute Championships in North Carolina.
Grant Iannelli, DC, has been named director of the National College Chiropractic Center. He has been the director of National's chiropractic center in Chicago since June 1992.
International Students Establish Clubs
With almost 60 Canadian students attending Northwestern (10 percent of the student body), Rachel Schuster and Shannon Miller have established a Canadian Club to help Canadian students make an easier transition at the college. "Our eventual goal is to establish a mutually beneficial relationship with the Canadian Chiropractic Association, said Shannon Miller.
The five Mexican students attending Northwestern College of Chiropractic have joined the first chapter in the US of the Association of Mexican Students of Chiropractic. Several years ago, there were no Mexican students at Northwestern. The efforts of Jim McDonald, vice president for institutional advancement at Northwestern, have built bridges with the chiropractic association of Mexico, the Colegio de Profesionistas Cientifico Quiropracticos de Mexico. Jim McDonald said that the president of that association, Enrique Benet-Canut, was "especially generous in working to establish linkages with Northwestern."