News / Profession

Nat'l Board Grants $500,000 to FCLB

National Board Cites Importance of Federation's Mission and Financial Stability
Editorial Staff

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) has always been supportive of the work done by the Federation of Licensing Boards (FCLB) to promote unified standards and cooperation among licensing boards.

At the FCLB's annual conference in the nation's capitol April 6-10, the National Board showed its continuing support of the Federation by making a five year financial commitment towards building a stronger operating foundation for the FCLB. Frank Hideg Jr., DC, NBCE president had this to say:

"The Board of Directors of the National Board and the Federation met yesterday. We reviewed the contract and the future needs of the Federation to be able to serve the chiropractic profession. It was decided that the Federation needed immediate financial stability rather than to wait for funds to be generated from exams which have yet to be administered.

"The Federation requested a grant for a half million dollars over the next five years. The National Board unanimously voted in favor of the grant. It is our pleasure, Dr. Winkler, to present you with this check for the first installment of $100,000 a year for the next five years."

Carroll Winkler, DC, FCLB president, was obviously overwhelmed with the strong commitment expressed by the National Board's gift. He responded with these words:

"This new agreement is far and beyond what the two tests would have generated over the next five years. We believe this is an historic moment and one which sets a strong and stable course for the future of the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards.

"On behalf of our member boards, and the Federation's Board of Directors, please accept our thanks for your vote of confidence in our mission of service to chiropractic licensing."

May 1994
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