Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
ACA Council on Technic and PCS Sponsor Symposium
The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) Council on Technic and the Pennsylvania Chiropractic Society (PCS) will be co-sponsoring the Second National Symposium on the Comparison of Chiropractic Treatment Procedures, with an emphasis on the cervical spine. The symposium will be held August 19-21, in conjunction with the PCS annual convention. The symposium will feature five speakers who represent different technique systems:
Dr. Keith Innes Motion Palpation Institute Dr. Harvey Getzoff Sacro Occipital Technique Dr. Arlan Fuhr Activator Methods Dr. Dennis Woggon Pettibon Technique Dr. Michael Schneider Trigger Point Technique
The conference will be moderated by Dr. Kevin Bartol of Northwestern Chiropractic College. Registration and hotel information can be obtained from PCS at 1335 N. Front St., Harrisburg, PA 17102 or by calling PCS at (717) 232-5762.
Dr. Daniel Hansen
Reps. of CCR Council of Assoc. Members Elected to CCR BoardDaniel Hansen, DC, DABCO, has been elected to represent the Motion Palpation Institute (MPI), a member of the Consortium for Chiropractic Research (CCR) Council of Associate Members, on the CCR Board of Trustees. John J. Triano, MA, DC, representing the Texas Back Institute Research Foundation, has been elected as an alternate. Dr. Hansen will cast one vote for the CCR Council of Associate Members on the CCR Board of Directors, and will solicit input from associate members before making voting decisions.
Bestselling Fitness Author Praises Chiropractic
Joyce Vedral, PhD, bestselling author of The Fat Burning Workout, praises chiropractic care in her recently published book Bottoms Up!, which has been on the New York Times bestseller list for over three weeks. A long-time patient of Jack Barnathan, DC, chairman of ICA's Council on Fitness and Sports Health Science, Dr. Vedral incorporated chiropractic into her latest book because she found relief herself through chiropractic care. "I realized that I was taking chiropractic care for granted because it's so natural to me and I have incorporated it into my life," said Dr. Vedral. "But then I realized that this isn't good, I have to share this with people."
DCs Plan Charitable Pilot Project in Singapore
Dr. Warwick Shillito and Dr. S.Y. Ng, of the Humana Chiropractic Centre in Singapore are planning a pilot project offering charitable chiropractic care to those who have not had it or cannot afford it. To begin the project, they are interested in hearing from experienced DCs and student interns willing to spend at least six months in Singapore. Since the project is charity-based, volunteer DCs would receive a minimum stipend and would be provided with basic accommodation and a return airfare, but would not be salaried. Applicants who are chosen would work in the main clinic for a short period to become acquainted with Singapore, before moving on the one of the charitable clinics, where they would work in groups. Part of the requirements would be giving educational talks on chiropractic.
For those who are interested, please send a resume, along with an academic record, a current photo, and a brief summary of personal goals and reasons for interest in this project. Language skills, particularly in Chinese, would be a big advantage. The estimated time for the project to begin is September 1994, but because this is an ongoing project, the applicant should include the time period he/she is available. To apply write to Dr. S.Y. Ng or Dr. W.S. Shillito, Humana Chiropractic Centre, #05-37 Singapore Medical Centre, 19 Tanglin Road, Singapore 1024. Tel: 011 (65) 7389008, or Fax: 011 (65) 7388949.
Domestic Violence Info Hotline Available for Health Professionals
The Family Violence Prevention Fund, a national public policy and education institute, has established the first ever hotline to provide health professionals with resources to better understand and treat victims of spousal abuse. The hotline, 1-800-313-1310, is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).