Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
Nutrition / Detoxification
Did You Know...
G. Douglas Andersen, DC, DACBSP, CCN
- that Canadian eskimos who worked for the U.S. Government in Alaska from 1950 to 1960 had an eight-fold increase in adult onset diabetes? Needless to say, their diets changed to foods from the good old USA?1
- that rats fed Eggbeaters were smaller and sicker than their siblings given real eggs?2
- that snake oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids? The Chinese black water snake is tops, with more omega-3 than some fish. Arizona rattlers measured in at 8 percent omega-3.1
- that in 1992, Kellogg spent $34 million marketing Frosted Flakes?3
- that farmers make nine cents on the corn in an 18-ounce box of Corn Flakes selling for $1.77, and four cents on the wheat in a one-pound loaf of bread selling for 75 cents?4
- that of 545 schools surveyed, only five had lunches for children that averaged less than 30 percent calories from fat?5
- that when 65 Indonesian mothers were instructed to wash their hands with soap before preparing food, before eating, after defecation, and to wash their children's hands with soap before they ate, the incidence of diarrhea in the children was reduced 89 percent when compared to 65 noninstructed mothers?6
- that an acre used for beef production can produce 10 to 15 times more protein if it is used for crops like beans or peas?7
- that the National Academy of Sciences estimates 70 people per year may die because of penicillin and tetracycline residues in meat and the super strains of bacteria they encourage?7
- that vitamin D levels in fortified milk ranged from zero to 232,565 IU per quart of milk when analyzed? Milk with excessive vitamin D has caused hypervitaminosis D with consumption of only one-half cup per day.8
- that intestinal permeability changes with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories are similar to those found in inflammatory bowel disease? NSAID enteropathy has close similarities with Crohn's disease.9
- that men with low sperm counts had significantly lower serumselenium levels than normospermatic men?10
- that when patients with irritable bowel syndrome received stress management (six 40-minute sessions which included education to understand their symptoms, relaxation exercises, and breathing techniques to control tension), two thirds had fewer flare-ups with less severity over a 12 month period?11 Note: I would be very interested in a similar study incorporating chiropractic with stress management.
- that preterm infants who were fed mother's milk in the early weeks of life had higher IQs at seven and a half and eight years of age than formula babies? An IQ advantage remained even when social and educational adjustments were made.12
- that next month on back-to-back weekends there are seminars which should easily re-define what you expect from continuing nutritional education? From the novice to the expert, be prepared to receive so much cutting-edge information on the safe application of vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, accessory nutrients, and foods (with the science to back it) that it will take the average doctor weeks or even months to fully assimilate it. You will know that you are some place special just by chatting with members of the audience, many of whom are published and are nutritional experts in their own right.
From March 31-April 2, Jeffrey S. Bland, PhD, hosts the International Symposium on Functional Medicine in Palm Springs, California. For information call (800) 843-9660. In San Francisco, on April 8-10, Jonathan Wright, MD, and Alan Gaby, MD, present Nutritional Therapy in Medical Practice. For information call (410) 486-5656. If you are unable to attend, I urge you to call anyway to get on future mailing lists.
G. Douglas Andersen, DC
Brea, California
- Wright Jonathan. Nutritional Therapy for the Nineties. Los Angeles, Calif., Sept. 1991. Gaby-Wright Nutritional Institute. Baltimore, MD.
- Gaby Alan. Nutritional Therapy for the Nineties. Los Angeles, Calif., Sept. 1991. A. Gaby-Wright Nutritional Institute. Baltimore, MD.
- Advertising Age, Sept. 28, 1993. Nutrition Action Health Letter, Jan.-Feb. 1994, 21(1). Center for Science in the Public Interest. Washington, D.C. 20009.
- USDA Economic Research Service Food Review, Vol. 16, May-Aug. 1993. Nutrition Action Health Letter, 2(11), Jan.-Feb. 1994. Center for Science in the Public Interest. Washington, D.C. 20009.
- USDA Food and Nutrition Service: The school nutrition dietary assessment study. Nutrition Action Health Letter, 21(1), Jan.-Feb. 1994. Center for Science in the Public Interest, Washington, D.C. 20009.
- Wilson, et al. Hand washing reduces diarrhea episodes. A study in Lombok, Indonesia. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 85:819-821, 1991.
- Holmes, Hanna. Eating low on the food chain. Garbage Magazine, January-February 1992, pp 32-37.
- Jacobus C., et al. (April 30, 1992). Hypervitaminosis D associated with drinking milk. New England Journal of Medicine, 326(18):1173-1177, April 30, 1992.
- Bjarnason, et al. Intestinal permeability nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug enteropathy in inflammatory bowel disease: an overview. Gut Festschrist, pp 22-28, 1989.
- Krsnjavi H, et al. Selenium and fertility in men. Trace Elements in Medicine, 9(2):107-108, 1992.
- Shaw G., et al. Stress management for irritable bowel syndrome: A controlled trial. Digestion, 50:36-42,1991.
- Lucas A, et al. Breast milk and subsequent intelligence quotient in children born preterm. The Lancet 339:261-264, Feb. 1, 1992.
G. Douglas Andersen, DC
Brea, California