Because they have yet to pass national legislation protecting the chiropractic profession, Japanese DCs are in a similar situation that U.S. DCs faced. We were fortunate enough to be able to pass chiropractic licensure state by state. The DCs in Japan must accomplish this nationally, which has proved to be an extremely difficult task. And in spite of their efforts, Japanese DCs are currently faced with two chiropractic professions.
Do You Know Us?
We help keep your chiropractic colleges well-funded, new chiropractors well supported, and the profession well informed, yet most of us aren't even chiropractors. Please see page ## for who these people are and why they got together.
PORTLAND, Oregon -- Key people from chiropractic colleges around the country came together to share ideas and solutions to common problems at the 11th Annual Development, Alumni, Public Relations Consortium of Chiropractic Colleges (DAPR) January 13-15, 1994.
The conference, which is hosted by a different college each year, allows each college an opportunity to present its educational concepts and chiropractic heritage. This year's conference was hosted by Western States Chiropractic College, with Amanda Failor, director of development and alumni relations organizing the event. This was an opportunity to network and learn from one another. In many instances, those new to the world of chiropractic were bolstered by the wisdom of the chiropractic veterans.
"New positions are being created and departmental staffs grow each year," explained Ms. Failor. "For those newcomers, this conference is a chance to get grounded in the issues that impact us all..." The conference, said Ms. Failor, "... provides a noncompetitive setting in which all participants make a significant contribution to each other by fully sharing their experiences and knowledge."
Mr. Failor also explained the DAPR is working hard to assist the Chiropractic Centennial Foundation in setting up successful PR events nationwide. An advisory committee consisting of several of the centennial liaisons was formed to submit and finalize such plans.
Make no mistake, while the majority of the conferees are not chiropractors, their devotion and willingness to work hard for the chiropractic profession are no less. Fred Schultz, director of institutional advancement for Life College of Chiropractic-West stated: "As a group, the development, PR and alumni people are very powerful advocates for the profession at large. They know that the better chiropractic education is, the better the profession will be. People see chiropractic education as the future of this profession."
As most of these people will tell you, it's more than a job, it's a commitment.
Editor's note: The "Do You Know Us?" front page photo identity.
Seated (l-r): Vern Woodlief, dir. institutional advancement, LACC
Clay Tuttle, DC, dir. of alumni, Palmer
Amanda Failor, dir., development and alumni relations, Western States
Cara-Leigh Battaglia, dir., communications/PR, NYCC
Stephanie Codling, asst. dir., development and alumni, Palmer-West
Standing (l-r)
Darrell Slabaugh, dir. of development, Palmer
Jeff Hoffman, alumni relations/annual fund, NYCC
Fred Schultz, dir., institutional advancement, Life-West
Melissa Steineger, dir., communications, WSCC
Ivy Hill, alumni dir., Logan
Sharon Kehrer, vp, admin. affairs, Logan
Alan Morgan, dir. of publications, CCCKC
Peg Threadgill, dir., development and alumni services, CCCKC
Margaret Neely, dir., alumni relations, National
Donald McLain, dir., institutional advancement, Logan
Teresa Wippel, PR manager, Life-West
Julie Lindstrom, coordinator, design and print services, Northwestern
Steven Reifel, administrator, PR, LACC
Debbie Peterson, dir., alumni affairs, Northwestern
Jim McDonald, vp, institutional advancement, Northwestern
Susan Biwer, development associate, Northwestern
John Healy, dir., communications, Northwestern