News / Profession

Canada Celebrates 100 Years of Chiropractic

Editorial Staff

TORONTO, Ontario -- After a century of tending to the health of its citizens, Canadian chiropractors convened May 31-June 4 in their largest city for the Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA's) national convention, which this year coincides with the centenary of the founding of the profession. The CCA, the Ontario Chiropractic Assoc., and the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College were co-organizers of the event.

Keynote speaker Professor Pran Manga of the University of Ottawa addressed the estimated 800 people in attendance. Dr. Manga is an internationally renowned health economist and the author of the groundbreaking report, The Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Chiropractic Management of Low-Back Pain. The Manga report, as it is popularly know, caused ripples throughout the traditional medical community when it concluded that chiropractic management of low-back pain is both more effective and cost-effective than traditional medical treatment.

Dr. Richard Giguere, president of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, reported on the national association's first advertising campaign to "dispel the myths and misconceptions people may have about chiropractors."

"Chiropractors have become the first line of defense for many patients when it comes to low-back pain, and we aim to become a full and equal partner in Canada's health care system," Dr. Giguere asserted.

Chiropractic has been practiced in Canada since the early 1900s, and of course D.D. Palmer was Canadian born (Port Perry, Ontario, 1845). Alberta was the first province to regulate the profession by legislation (1923). The other provinces eventually followed suit, with Newfoundland the final province to pass a chiropractic act, (1990). In Ontario, chiropractic is recognized as one of the six health professions trained to diagnose and authorized to use the title, "doctor."

While there were a number of chiropractic colleges in Canada in the early years of the century, by 1928 the colleges had closed. Canadian students seeking a chiropractic education were forced to leave their country. By 1943, the Dominion Council of Canadian Chiropractors, the national representatives of the profession, decided that a Canadian chiropractic college was essential to ensure the continued growth and development of the profession. In 1945, the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) was opened in Toronto. Many of the students in its first few classes were returning war veterans.

The national convention was a time for Canadian DCs to celebrate the centennial. Joseph Keating Jr., PhD, and Cuan Keyes, DC, a clinical resident at CMCC, presented a look at chiropractic history with the portrayal, "D.D. Palmer and his son B.J. Palmer," a review of our first 100 years.

During the convention, the Canada Post Corporation unveiled the artwork for the commemorative stamp booklet (please see "Canada Post Corporation Releases Chiropractic Memorial Stamp," page xx).

The Canadian Chiropractic Association also displayed its new logo (please see "Canadian Chiropractic Association Unveils New Logo," page xx).

The centennial and convention were a time of fellowship and reunion. But mostly it was a time to look to the future with the wisdom of the past firmly in hand.

July 1995
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