Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
NCMIC -- Celebrating 50 Years of Service to Chiropractic
Editor's Note: This is the seventh in a series of 12 brief interviews with the corporate sponsors of the chiropractic centennial. In this issue, "DC" recognizes the National Chiropractic Mutual Insurance Company (NCMIC) for its Elite Club Super Sponsorship, and its commitment of at least $300,000 to our centennial. There are only two corporate sponsors at the Elite Club sponsorship level.
"DC": Please tell us about NCMIC's commitment to chiropractic.
Dr. Arnold Cianciulli: What I think we need to say is that NCMIC is celebrating our 50th year this year, and it was put together by some very visionary doctors of chiropractic. It was designed to service the doctors because they realized early on that we needed to have an insurance company because of so much prejudice and bias that existed in those days against the profession, and which continues to exist today in various forms, albeit less. As a result of this early commitment, we the present directors of the company, are committed to having the very best coverage for licensed doctors of chiropractic, so that they can feel comfortable knowing that the insurance they are receiving is the kind of insurance we all use ourselves. All of the NCMIC directors are practicing doctors of chiropractic, so we are fully aware of the problems each and every day incurred by practicing doctors of chiropractic.
We are interested also in having lawyers represent us who are conversant with the chiropractic philosophy and principles of practice, and therefore are better equipped to defend the practicing doctor when allegations of malpractice are made. So that is the second very important issue. Thirdly, we feel that by giving monies to research -- we give a million dollars a year to FCER -- this money is designed and dedicated to doing research that will bring more evidence to the practice of chiropractic, and thereby increase the effectiveness of chiropractic in the marketplace and at the same time help to reduce professional liability. It's not only an investment in our future, but what we consider to be a very important, forward-thinking attitude on our part, very much in keeping with the pioneers of our company, which is unique.
"DC": Tell us why NCMIC decided to become an Elite Club Super sponsor to the chiropractic centennial.
Dr. Cianciulli: NCMIC decided to become a sponsor because we recognized that the centennial is a very important point in the history of chiropractic and we wanted to make sure that we showed the entire world that NCMIC (which is involved with over 50 percent of the licensed, practicing doctors of chiropractic), believes very strongly that our future is very bright and that some of the apparent problems with managed care and other things of this nature, we firmly believe will resolve themselves very favorably for the chiropractic profession. So our commitment to the centennial and through the activities and participation in the centennial is to show to practicing doctors and others that our future is bright. We're committed to it; we feel strongly about it. We are participating because we feel that tomorrow is going to be even better than today.
"DC": Now that chiropractic is entering our second century, what do you think the future holds for chiropractic profession?
Dr. Cianciulli: I think the future for chiropractic in the 21st century is going to be extraordinary. I think that we must continue to work very diligently to accumulate data to show that the natural care we offer the patient is evidence-based and is effective in helping sick people get well. The future looks bright because the more and more the public, through self-empowerment and self-determination, has decided that they want to help plan their own health care. Because prevention and wellness are such big parts of the future, I think chiropractic is well-positioned because we've always felt that periodic adjustments are very important for flexibility, mobility, and stability for people. Our interest in nutrition goes back to our early days; we've been involved in promoting a natural lifestyle; we've been advocates of ecology. So I think our future is excellent because we are positioned by history, experience and attitude to feel very comfortable in helping patients face the future with a very positive approach.
Certainly, the public knows more about drugs and surgery than any other kinds of therapy, and it has decided more and more, in perhaps over a third of people today, to look toward non-drug, non-surgical care. Chiropractic, with its natural care, emphasis on the ability of the body to heal, with nutrition and lifestyle and exercise and positive counseling, is wonderful. Secondly, the practice of chiropractic, where the patient is the center of attention and the doctor/patient relationship is so devoted to one-on-one treatment -- since every patient is different and every patient needs to have hands-on care -- that very hands-on care brings an intimate relationship between the doctor and the patient which I believe is what will be the future care. People need to have not only an educated person taking care of them but they need someone who is compassionate and who has empathy for them. I think the very practice of chiropractic brings that out. When we combine science, compassion, and empathy, I think we are well-positioned to be where we should be for the patients and for our future. I think it's going to be very bright and very exciting.
"DC": Thank you for your sponsorship.