News / Profession

On-line with the Chiropractic Forum

Sunday Chat Becoming Popular Networking Stop
Editorial Staff

Chiropractic is officially off and running on the high-tech information superhighway. Every Sunday, from 9-10 p.m. EST, over 250 DCs and other interested parties have been tuning into America On-Line's Chiropractic Professional Networking Forum, "Health and Medical Chat."

Like all cyberspace "chats," all you need to network with chiropractors across the country is a computer, a modem, and in this case, be a subscriber to America On-Line. The revolution in communication is here. Discussions with a wide variety of chiropractors is only a phone call away.

Chiropractors on the forum speak on a multitude of subjects, but have organized specific topics by popular vote. On April 9, for instance, clinical rounds (low back pain) were discussed.

Future Sunday discussions will feature:

  • April 16 -- Headaches and Chiropractic


  • April 23 -- Chiropractic Research: Where Do We Need to Go?


  • April 30 -- Scripting Abilities (a possibility)

Bob Dubin, DC, who facilitates the forum, says the on-line Sunday chat gets better each week, as more people come on-line and users get more comfortable with the medium. David Brady, DC, is the co-facilitator of the discussions.

Please join the Chiropractic Professional Networking Forum, every Sunday, 9-10 p.m. EST, on AOL, in the "Health and Medical Chat" section.

See you there.

April 1995
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