Because they have yet to pass national legislation protecting the chiropractic profession, Japanese DCs are in a similar situation that U.S. DCs faced. We were fortunate enough to be able to pass chiropractic licensure state by state. The DCs in Japan must accomplish this nationally, which has proved to be an extremely difficult task. And in spite of their efforts, Japanese DCs are currently faced with two chiropractic professions.
We Get Letters
CCE Motives Questioned, Albeit Anonymously
It saddens me to read the recent article in the 1-16-95 issue concerning Pennsylvania College of Chiropractic. It is beyond my comprehension how a chiropractic college which has been in existence for approximately 18 years, graduating approximately 500 licensed chiropractic providers could not receive approval for accreditation through CCE. It is obvious to see the truth about CCE concerning accreditation of institutions and how it relates to politics and power rather than fairness, honesty and objectiveness. Additionally, it is beyond my comprehension as to how an institution such as Pennsylvania College of Chiropractic could not obtain CCE accreditation after being in existence for so long with its graduates taking the same national boards and state licensing boards, and doing well at that, as any other graduate of all other chiropractic institutions. However, Bridgeport University School of Chiropractic, not graduating one student, obtains CCE accreditation with absolutely no problem. Please, someone explain this phenomena to myself.
I have been in private practice for over seven years and personally am a graduate of a CCE "accredited" chiropractic college. However, I would like to state for the record that I personally know of many practicing chiropractors who are not graduates of CCE "accredited" colleges and happen to be some of the best doctors of chiropractic I know. In fact, the practices that these individuals have happen to be some of the most successful practices in existence today. It is truly sad how a profession which has reached its 100 year anniversary is still, quite frankly, immature. It is obvious in this day and age that we as a profession could not afford to lose institutions such as Pennsylvania College of Chiropractic. Perhaps this matter needs to be presented to the U.S. Board of Higher Education to investigate CCE and its true motives.
Professionally concerned
Southeastern, PA
Editorial note: After this letter was including in "We Get Letters" for this issue, "DC" Publisher/Editor Don Petersen Jr. phoned from New Orleans, where he was attending the CCE meeting, to inform editorial that Sherman had just received CCE accreditation (see front page). Perhaps some of the questions regarding CCE's "true motives" by our anonymous writer will be clarified.
Woefully Needed
Dear Editor,
Re: "Maturity and the Changing Health Care Paradigm," "DC" Jan. 2, 1995, by Dr. Robert Mootz.
As a professional analyst you have "hit the nail on the head."
Your self-perspective "diagnosis" has wisely said "it as it is," and without intimidation. With your colleagues, Meeker and Phillips, keep up and proceed with positivity and confidence. It is woefully needed.
W.W. DeVore, DC
Chairman, Committee on Research Studies
Missouri State Chiropractic Assoc. (1972-86)
Retired after 41 years of private practice, age 74
Arcadia, Missouri
"Imagine ... telling an elected official that within 10 minutes we can contact 30,000 doctors on the network with a particular agenda.
Dear Friends,
The chiropractic profession has no nervous system. Yes, we do have a lot of courage. Yes, we do have a lot of dedication! Yes, we do have a lot of love and selfless devotion, but, dear colleague, we have no nervous system.
Amazingly in 1995, our professional body is like a simple organism: some central metabolic control combined with the most primitive of nervous (bi-directional communication) systems.
If you think about it at all, our professional infrastructure is indeed primitive, outdated and, with the evolution of the information age, dangerously ineffective. Today, in the simplest of terms, our professional infrastructure consists of an ACA or ICA periodical sent to members and a centralized office in Washington (editor's note: ACA/ICA offices are in Arlington, Virginia), and some state activity ... a little above protozoan level.
Possession of knowledge and control of its dissemination will be the hallmark of successful enterprises of the 90s. Indeed, all of the economic giants of our society are rushing with all their resources to stake out their turf in the emerging new info-culture. Harken to the call of the information highway, chiropractic leaders. Doctor, look about you. Today we are witnessing the death throes of the old smokestack, rust-belt industries. Out of their ashes a new world order of high-tech wonders is arising at breakneck speed: computers, satellite communication, high density TV, problem solving software and a thousand other new technologies are forcing a complete reshuffling of old values and priorities. This reshuffling is also clearly redefining who will be the new winners and who will be the new losers.
I believe the task of the leadership of our profession is to recognize the direction of our technoculture is heading and understand its professional impact; to aggressively and opportunistically utilize today's efficiencies, economies and advantages to give us professional victory.
We must write and control a full-fledged, feature rich chiropractic communication bulletin board computer program with two-way communication abilities. The program will feature:
- an on-line question and answer bulletin board for instant problem solving for insurance and billing; sharing information on workers' compensation;
- communicating about legal initiatives;
- instant political messages;
- practice building tips;
- printable forms and reference charts, diagnostic and procedure codes for the office that can be downloaded;
- legal tips;
- CA training section complete with a state of the art employment manual;
- tips on how to run the officer better;
- vendor paid top bar to promote specials to our members from our vendors (yes, more paid advertising);
- announcements, reminders and promotions of national and state sponsored programs (we can have an online national chiropractic calendar like the one in "DC");
- a state and national doctor list with phones/faxes;
Here are some advantages, economies and efficiencies that I see:
- We can cut the printing and postage costs by about 80 percent with online contact. For example, the professional newsletters can be sent electronically via modem and read on screen and then printed, or not, or saved electronically.
- An income stream will come from vendors who will pay to have their products and special offers in front of doctors all day, every day.
- Another income stream from whomever is selected to provide the legal tips section, because that allows them to list themselves as ACA/ICA affiliated counsellors and garner subsequent new business (for this they will pay).
- A more subtle advantage is, because the computer is mainly used by the doctor's CA, we have an opportunity to influence this significant person in each doctor's office (online training, tips, time-saving tools, reminders, motivation, etc.).
I want to see the ACA/ICA directing and controlling the true political and financial power of the 21st century. We would possess a big political stick. Imagine the ACA and ICA being able to tell an elected official that within 10 minutes we can contact 30,000 doctors on the network with a particular agenda.
And the winner ... the attorneys.
Dear Editor,
In response to Michael Kiplen, DC, of Santa Cruz, CA, and his anguish resulting from the sale of his practice receivables:
I really don't believe Dr. Koplen has anything to worry about. The buyer, after two years, is unhappy with his collection of the receivables, for which he paid an agreed upon sum. They buyer is now pressing for a refund.
If this contest is pushed to the limit and ends up in court it is hard to imagine that a judge would find for the buyer. It looks to me like the buyer expects a negotiated settlement due to the threat of heavy legal expenses.
As to references to similar situations, your attorney or paralegal (much cheaper) can furnish you with comparable cases and outcomes.
Bottom line? No matter who you are or what your deal you are always at risk. That my friend is the dark side of the democratic system. And the winner is ... the attorneys.
John Whitney, DC
Roswell, Georgia
Let them Pay their Own Way
Dear Editor,
I happened to read the article by Stanley Greenfield, "The Simple Life," in the Dynamic Chiropractic dated Dec. 2, 1994.
Where is it written, sir, that we are required to save for (our childrens') education? Did you know that most chiropractors became such at a later time in their academic life? Many of my fellow students were RNs, LPTs, LPNs, psychologists, etc. Our parents didn't pay for our chiropractic education. We took loans out. As a matter of fact, most of my peers worked during their undergraduate life, took loans out, and got very little financial support for their education.
You know life tastes better the more effort and financial responsibility the individual takes in order to be captain of his/her fate, and keep other peoples opinion and finances to a minimum.
I am currently taking care of the present needs of my family, and since I hope to be blessed with a long life and love what I do, I hope to practice chiropractic until I check out of here.
When it comes to children and saving for their education, isn't it more feasible to perhaps let them pay for that on their own?
Vincent P. De Trinis, DC
Port Jefferson Station, New York
Not in My Bird Cage
Dear Editor,
I had to laugh while reading Joseph Keating's Nov. 18, 1994 article, "The Price of Success."
Let me see if I have this straight. Dr. Sawyer of the ACA refers to numerous studies, including the RAND study, the British Medical Report (editor's note: Meade et al., 1990, Brit Med J), and the Manga report, to show chiropractic is both effective and cost effective. But because (Dr. Keating) says these studies are insignificant we should all line our bird cages with them?
I'm not familiar with either the British report or the RAND study, but I do have a copy of the Manga report. It is inconceivable that (Dr. Keating) could have read the Manga report and then produce this article. He states the Manga report "was not a controlled study," and then basically dismisses it. Of course it wasn't a controlled study. Professor Manga was commissioned by the Ontario Ministry of Health to review the existing data on low back pain and treatments to "improve the cost effectiveness of health care services" (Manga report, p. 11).
The Manga report is a compilation of 362 reports and studies on low back pain. It should be stressed that the Manga report was not intended to be a study on chiropractic, but on low back pain. But after reviewing the 362 studies and reports on low back pain, Manga came to the conclusion that chiropractic care was superior to medical treatments for low back pain. You further go on to challenge Dr. Sawyer to "enlighten me" to where the data is to support the claim that chiropractic care is cost effective. Well, Dr. Keating, I think the bibliography in the Manga study is a good start.
Kenneth Hughes, DC
Dearborn Heights, Michigan