Because they have yet to pass national legislation protecting the chiropractic profession, Japanese DCs are in a similar situation that U.S. DCs faced. We were fortunate enough to be able to pass chiropractic licensure state by state. The DCs in Japan must accomplish this nationally, which has proved to be an extremely difficult task. And in spite of their efforts, Japanese DCs are currently faced with two chiropractic professions.
Grand Celebration Registration Is Underway
DAVENPORT, Iowa -- Because of the incredible response, the early registration period for both Chiropractic Centennial Celebrations has been extended to January 31, 1995.
If you have neglected to register for either the Washington, D.C. and/or Davenport celebrations, please do so immediately while there is still time to register at the discounted price!
Q & A on Registration
Q: How do I get registration forms?
A: The official registration Program Guide for the Centennial Grand Celebrations in Washington, D.C. and Davenport, Iowa were mailed to every DC in the world, and most students. If you did not receive yours, please call 1-800-DC4-1995.
Q: May I register over the telephone or fax my registration form?
A: The CCF expects to process over 10,000 registrations. Because of the costs involved, it's financially impractical to take registrations by any means other than mail.
Q: What is the difference between the complete package and the regular registration?
A: The complete package also includes the Thursday night entertainment event and a copy of the commemorative book, The Story of the Grand Celebration. No one will want to miss the special entertainment featuring top musical acts. In additional, by purchasing the complete package, a doctor will receive a $30 discount on the book.
Q: Can I buy tickets to just the Gala and entertainment program and not go to the educational events?
A: No, because the cost of the entertainment, the Gala and other projects are partially paid by the registration fee. All DCs must pay the full registration fee, but non-DC members of their party may purchase separate Gala and entertainment tickets.
Q: Who are the entertainers and what does the Gala involve?
A: While the contracts with the entertainers are still being negotiated, they are high quality, internationally known musical entertainers who were specially selected for our Chiropractic Centennial. The Galas promise to be truly memorable events!
Q: How do I know when I'm registered?
A: You will know you are registered when you receive your confirmation. Please allow 2-3 weeks from the time you mail your registration until the time your confirmation arrives. If you do not receive anything in that time, please let us know.
Q: Can I reserve hotel space now and register at a later date?
A: No. Hotel accommodations are based on a first-come, first-serve basis in the order you register. Hotel accommodations have been booked by the CCF in both Davenport and Washington, D.C. Please register as soon as possible to get the best selection.
Q: Do children under a certain age go free to the Gala or entertainment events?
A: No, but there is a discount. For both the Washington, D.C. and Davenport Galas, children under 12 can attend for $35. Children under 12 may attend the entertainment events in Washington, D.C. for $17, and in Davenport the entertainment events are free.
Q: If a husband and wife are both DCs, does one spouse register at the DC rate or a guest rate?
A: All DCs must register at the DC rate. The rate for this once-in-a-lifetime event including the Gala is less than many weekend seminars.