
AMA Resolution 623 -- Action or Reaction?

Donald M. Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc), FICC(h)

You can sometimes judge the effectiveness of an action by the collateral reaction. Such may be the case with the chiropractic documentary, "From Simple Beginnings."

The documentary project was fraught with all of the problems one might expect when delving into uncharted territory. And while many DCs and chiropractic patients missed it, approximately one million households didn't.

No doubt a fair number of members of the American Medical Association (AMA) were among those one million households.

Below is the AMA's Resolution 623 passed by the AMA House of Delegates at their recent convention. This resolution was reportedly passed with great enthusiasm. Was the resolution in reaction to any group or anything in particular?

Consider also that the amount to be spent, $200,000 to $500,000, isn't nearly enough for a significant media campaign. But it does very closely resemble the amount spent by the Chiropractic Centennial Foundation (CCF) for the production and airing of our chiropractic documentary.

Chiropractic's few inroads into the world of television, radio and print marketing must not go fallow. Before we can be effective, we must make the journey from novices to well-networked players in the world of mass communication.

The CCF is currently planning to re-air a 30 minute version of the chiropractic documentary, but that still isn't enough. Our efforts must continue until every person in the world has heard our chiropractic message enough times to blot out the medical propaganda that permeates Western health care.

We have a powerful story to tell, but that task is ours alone.



Resolution 623

Introduced by: Resident Physicians Section
Subject: Public Education about Physician Qualifications
Referred to: Reference Committee F

(Ronald P. Bangasser, MD, Chair)
Whereas, During this election year, large financial resources are being expected by non physician health care providers to lobby legislators and the general public concerning the benefits of their independent practice of health care services; and

Whereas, These non-physicians globally include primary care and specialty health-care providers; and

Whereas, There is a motivated and organized effort by non-physicians to expand and broaden the scope of practice of non-physician heal care providers; and

Whereas, The general public and legislators are being informed by organizations of non-physician health care providers that their capabilities and education related to the provision of patient care are comparable to the education, training, and capabilities of physicians; and

Whereas, Non-physician providers are currently providing and are attempting to perform additional unsupervised services, which is in opposition to current AMA policy (275.986.475.989); and

Whereas, It is beneficial for physicians to be proactive rather than reactive with respect to educating the public concerning the education, credentials and qualifications of physicians, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the American Medical Association educate the public about the differences in education and professional standards between physicians and non-physician health care providers.

Fiscal Note $200,000 -- $500,000

September 1996
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