In a landmark development, Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) has reached a $2.8 billion settlement to resolve antitrust claims brought by health care providers, including chiropractors. The lawsuit accused BCBS of dividing the nation into exclusive regions and limiting competition, which resulted in lower reimbursements for providers. Although BCBS denies any wrongdoing, the company agreed to the settlement to avoid lengthy litigation – and you can get a piece of the pie.
Your Future Is Our Mission
The Alliance for Chiropractic Progress could be a watershed in the history of chiropractic. It depends on you. There is no other way to address the public education challenges and opportunities facing chiropractic as we enter the 21st century, but through a profession-wide, on-going cumulative effort. Shaping public perceptions of chiropractic is beyond the capacity of any one organization in the profession. It can be done only with everyone working together.
The Alliance for Chiropractic Progress is a measure of the maturity and seriousness of the leadership of ICA and ACA. We recognize our special responsibilities, and we are also aware of the tremendous opportunity before us. ICA and ACA are the organizational vehicles through which individual doctors can participate in this effort. Individual DCs should be a part of the collective problem-solving for chiropractic that can only take place through strong national associations. Seeing the possibilities inherent in this unique effort requires vision. Putting your hope and your money behind it requires courage. What is the essence of our history if not courage and vision?
For 72 years the International Chiropractors Association has proudly fought to establish and maintain chiropractic as a separate and distinct health care delivery system. For nearly three-quarters of a century, ICA's mission has been to promote and protect chiropractic. We have never wavered from the chiropractic principles on which it was founded, just to be accepted or to conform with passing fashions or shifting health care economics.
ICA, starting with its founder, President Dr. B.J. Palmer, has in many ways been ahead of its time.
Being ahead of one's time, however, often exacts a heavy price. It meant coming to the legal rescue of those courageous pioneers who were arrested and jailed for living their chiropractic beliefs. It meant stepping on toes and making waves. It meant standing up and being counted as the lone supporter of the anti-trust suit, as ICA did in the Wilk suit, long before any other national association had the courage to make that same commitment.
Being ahead of your time also draws criticism: sometimes from your own colleagues. ICA has always been a strong advocate of chiropractic care for children. And when the Wall Street Journal attacked chiropractic on this issue not so long ago, the ICA remained firm, it did not change its message or its stand. Today, because of ICA's perseverance and continuing message of the efficacy, safety and appropriateness of chiropractic care for children, the media and the public are looking at this same issue quite differently. Not only is chiropractic care for children becoming more popular, it is even being promoted in national consumer magazines as an effective "alternative" in children's health care.
Being ahead of one's time also means having the vision to embrace intra-professional cooperation, when necessary. That is why the ICA co-founded and stands as an equal partner with the ACA, both in terms of financial commitment and creativity in the Alliance for Chiropractic Progress.
ICA and ACA have each committed $300,000 for the coming year to the Alliance for Chiropractic Progress' national PR campaign. But $600,000 is not enough to do the job that must be done. To be effective it requires a profession-wide effort. It requires you.
The profession often looks to the ICA and ACA to solve their problems, without any kind of contribution to support our efforts. How can we do that when 75% of the profession does not belong to either association? The lack of membership sharply restricts the amount of resources we can commit to important endeavors like this. Imagine the resources we could use if 75% of the profession were members?
For this reason we are asking you to make a commitment. See the power of this great idea and join us. This is your opportunity to directly shape your future. ICA will devote to the Alliance effort, 100% of new member dues received by Jan. 31, 1998 from DCs who indicate that this is their wish.
Furthermore, because ICA recognizes that the success of this project depends on continued support and participation we will devote one-third of the dues of any new members (who so direct) to the Alliance through the end of 1998. The revenue generated through this campaign will provide financial strength to the Alliance project above and beyond the $300,000 ICA has already committed.
ICA is proud of its many diverse and innovative programs. We will be happy to provide you with materials on our activities and priorities. Rather than take attention away from the central message of this editorial, which is the Alliance and its importance to the profession, we invite you to call 1-800-423-4690 if you want more information about ICA.
ICA's record of service to the chiropractic profession has been one of stability, courage, vision and integrity. Today, when I look at my colleagues I see an emerging sense of pride: pride that comes from embracing our uniqueness as a strength, not as a weakness; pride from knowing that what we have to offer is special and distinct. The ICA feels privileged to be a part of the Alliance effort, for our mission has always been to advance chiropractic while preserving our heritage and principles.
Join ICA. Let's advance chiropractic together, with courage, conviction and dignity.
Robert Braile, DC, FICA
ICA President