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Founder of National Awareness Campaign for Upper Cervical Chiropractic Speaks at Sherman

Louella Harris has told her story and success with chiropractic on over 15 TV shows and 35 radio programs.

On July 17, Louella Harris, founder of the National Awareness Campaign for Upper Cervical Chiropractic, spoke at Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic. This was just one of the many lectures and seminars Ms. Harris holds each year as she travels across America, spreading the word about this chiropractic procedure.

Ms. Harris grew up in Kenya, where she contracted polio at the age of three. The disease cost her the use of both her legs, requiring her to use a wheelchair for mobility. After coming to the U.S., Ms. Harris obtained a degree in special education and helped assist in the development of national legislation for disabled people.

In 1992, after a physical collapse, Harris was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. The following year, a friend told Ms. Harris about an upper cervical chiropractic procedure that had restored her health. Having tried every other option her medical doctors suggested, Ms. Harris began receiving that chiropractic procedure. After four months of care, she recovered from the fibromyalgia.

Believing that her care was fundamental to overall health, Ms. Harris and her husband founded the National Awareness Campaign for Upper Cervical Chiropractic, an organization dedicated to promote public understanding of upper cervical chiropractic care. Since that time, Ms. Harris has told her story on more than 15 television shows and 35 nationally recognized radio programs.

September 1997
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