News / Profession

American Middle-Eastern Chiropractic Association

Editorial Staff

The American Middle-Eastern Chiropractic Association (AMECA) has begun communications with the World Federation of Chiropractic and the Lebanese Chiropractic Association to host its first seminar in Lebanon in the fall of 1999.

The American Middle-Eastern Chiropractic Association is a nonprofit organization open to any chiropractors, students and chiropractic advocates. The goals of the association are to:

  1. assist chiropractors maintain excellence in postgraduate education and practice;

  2. strengthen the presence of chiropractors in Middle-Eastern countries;

  3. give aid to chiropractic associations in securing licensure boards;

  4. help chiropractors in promoting the chiropractic profession in the Middle East;

  5. provide assistance to Middle-Eastern chiropractic students to excel in their studies in the U.S.; and

  6. help Middle-Eastern chiropractic graduates secure employment upon graduation.

The AMECA's founder and president is Hamid Kantara, DC. If you are interested in joining the association or would like more information, contact Dr. Kantara at (713) 782-7775, or by e-mail at
June 1998
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