News / Profession

Prevention Survey Reveals Chiropractic's Practices

Readers Need More Information
Editorial Staff

As part of their 1998 chiropractic advertising campaign, the Alliance for Chiropractic Progress has asked Prevention magazine to do a survey of their readers. The reader survey is designed to give a "before" and "after" look at what Prevention readers currently believe about doctors of chiropractic and what effect this advertising campaign has on those beliefs.

Who Responded?

The response rate was 67%, most of whom were women (91%). The age breakdown was:

Age %
18-24 <1%
25-34 4%
35-44 22%
45-54 37%
55 & Older 37%

Level of Education Required

Only 13% of the respondents recognized the requirement of "more than 6 years of college level study." Over 30% didn't know what level of education a DC has:

What level of education is required to earn the degree of doctor of chiropractic?

Years of College Level Study %
Less than 2 years 2%
2 Years 7%
3 Years 2%
4 Years 21%
6 Years 24%
More than 6 Years 13%
Don't Know 31%

Requirements to Open a Practice

More than 50% of the respondents knew all that a DC must go through to open a chiropractic practice. But again, almost 30% don't know:

Requirement %
Obtain a degree, pass a national board exam and state licensing exam 51%
Pass a state licensing exam 22%
Present the degree and obtain a license 20%
Nothing, no license required 2%
Don't Know 28%

Considering a DC for Back/Neck Pain

Over 36% of respondents "definitely would consider seeing a Doctor of Chiropractic." But over 30% definitely or probably wouldn't:

Would Considering Seeing a DC? %
Definitely Would 36%
Probably Would 32%
Probably Would Not 22%
Definitely Would Not 10%

Do DCs Utilize Drugs and Surgery?

Only 65% of the respondents knew that doctors of chiropractic do NOT utilize drugs or surgery. Over 30% thought they do, or didn't know:

Utilize Drugs and Surgery %
No 65%
Yes 13%
Don't Know 22%

Chiropractic Colleges vs. Medical Schools - Basic Sciences

Education seems to be the area where DCs are most underrated. Only 8% of the respondents knew that "chiropractic colleges have more classroom hours in basic science" than medical schools:

Which has more basic science hours? %
Medical Schools Have More 21%
About the Same 25%
Chiropractic Colleges Have More 8%
Basic Science Not Offered in Chiropractic College 1%
Don't Know 45%

This survey provides important information about what people who are health conscious know about chiropractic. One message is clear: Approximately 30% don't know anything about the qualifications of a doctor of chiropractic. The question is whether this advertising campaign can effectively inform and change what people think about the qualifications of chiropractors.

May 1998
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