Because they have yet to pass national legislation protecting the chiropractic profession, Japanese DCs are in a similar situation that U.S. DCs faced. We were fortunate enough to be able to pass chiropractic licensure state by state. The DCs in Japan must accomplish this nationally, which has proved to be an extremely difficult task. And in spite of their efforts, Japanese DCs are currently faced with two chiropractic professions.
Register Now on ChiroWeb
Last month, Dynamic Chiropractic made the bold move of taking the names of all licensed doctor of chiropractic in the world and preregistering them to access's new discussion forums.
The sheer number of people who have attempted to access ChiroWeb in the past few weeks has caused occasional problems with Dynamic Chiropractic's computer network and resulted in some users being unable to register. If you have tried to register during one of's down times, we apologize for the inconvenience. We've corrected those glitches. You can now register quickly and without interruption.
Registering on ChiroWeb's DCs Only discussion forum gives you the only place on the web where you can talk to every doctor of chiropractic without criticism or interference from those outside the profession. In the coming months, however, ChiroWeb will offer much more than just an online bulletin board for DCs and others interested in chiropractic. A virtual exhibit hall, an online store (ChiroMall), and other features are currently under development.
Why You Should Register
It's fast. Registration takes no more than a minute or two of your time. Once you register, you'll have a unique posting name different from every other registered user on ChiroWeb.
It's easy. All the information you need is already provided for you. See the user ID and password in the text box on the front page of this issue? Just visit ChiroWeb's discussion forum section ( ), click on the "Start Here" button at the DCs Only Forum page, and enter the correct information.
It's free. Access to the discussion forums - and all other areas of ChiroWeb, for that matter - are free to use 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
It gives you access to places non-DCs can't visit. The DCs Only Forum is just that, a forum for doctors of chiropractic: no interference from the medical profession, no outside intrusion from massage therapists or physical therapists - just honest, open discussion.
It makes you part of a global community between doctors of chiropractic. This represents an important first step forward for the chiropractic profession at large.
If you are a licensed doctor of chiropractic, we urge you to register on ChiroWeb's DCs Only Forum as soon as possible and become familiar with the site's growing list of features and services. If you visit only one chiropractic website, make it