Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
APHA Issues Call for Chiropractic Abstracts
In 1983, chiropractic was accepted by the American Public Health Association as being "safe and effective for neuromusculoskeletal disorders, especially low back conditions." In 1995, chiropractic earned its own section in the APHA, giving the profession the opportunity to participate on a full and equal basis with other health professions.
Next November, APHA's 128th annual meeting, convention and exhibit series will be held in Boston, Massachusetts. The Chiropractic Health Care Section of APHA is in the process of assembling its annual educational program sessions for the meeting, and welcomes abstracts that represent the result of scientific research and programs in all areas related to chiropractic health care.
The theme of next year's meeting is "Eliminating Health Disparities." Topics related to the meeting's theme will receive high priority. Other topics of special interest include:
• chiropractic in the changing health care environment;
• multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to practice;
• public health implications of musculoskeletal conditions, including the prevalence, costs, safety and effectiveness of chiropractic interventions.
Abstracts must be received no later than February 1, 2000. Researchers, educators and practitioners in chiropractic and other health disciplines are encouraged to submit abstracts.
Individuals may submit up to two abstracts as first author to the Chiropractic Health Care Section. Papers should be original submissions, but authors may also submit them afterward to other publications of their own choosing. Work in progress is acceptable if it will be completed in time for the presentation.
Papers are selected by a blinded, peer-reviewed process. Authors of papers that are accepted will be notified in June. Abstracts may not be withdrawn after June 30, 2000. The principal author (or at least one co-author of a multi-author paper) must attend the annual meeting in Boston at their own expense to present the paper.
All abstracts must adhere to the general APHA guidelines and must be submitted electronically. Guidelines and submission forms can be accessed through the APHA's website ( ). All questions and communications should be directed to Roni Evans,DC, the chiropractic section program chair, by telephone (612-888-4777, x. 154); fax (612-888-1957); or e-mail ( Submissions that do not comply with the instructions detailed in this article will be returned without review.