Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
A Problem for Chiropractic Education in Japan
Editor's note: The following is a letter (dated Sept. 13) to Dynamic Chiropractic from Hirofumi Nakatsuka,DC, president of the Japanese Association of Chiropractors (JAC). He asked that the letter be printed to apprise the chiropractic profession of a problem that is affecting chiropractic education in Japan.
He gives "fair warning" to these individuals and colleges that are involved in "unacceptable entrepreneurial behavior" concerning the instruction of chiropractic in his country, a practice contrary to the best interests of the profession.
Dr. Nakatsuka also refers to the "WFC International Charter for the Introduction of Chiropractic Education" (aka the Tokyo Charter).
That document is printed following the text of Dr. Nakatsuka's letter. You can also access the document on the JAC's website (
In May of this year, the Japanese Association of Chiropractic was welcomed into the World Federation of Chiropractic as the national representative for the profession in Japan. The decision to terminate the previous representative from Japan and to recognize the Japanese Association of Chiropractors was overwhelmingly supported by the WFC Assembly. This action was based to a large degree on the position which we had taken to protect educational standards.
The Japanese Association of Chiropractors is a strong advocate of the "WFC International Charter for the Introduction of Chiropractic Education" (the Tokyo Charter). This document, which received the unanimous approval of the member nations of the World Federation of Chiropractic, includes provisions which proscribe the offering by offshore institutions of short programs which are not part of a comprehensive chiropractic undergraduate program.
The WFC has also sponsored an agreement among a number of educational programs in Japan to work toward full achievement of the international level of chiropractic education within a set time.
That document ("The Consensus Statement on Chiropractic Educational Standards for Japan") requires that, henceforth, people entering the chiropractic profession in Japan should do so only through comprehensive educational programs.
The Japanese Association of Chiropractors also has a code of ethics and educational policy which protect the use of the terms "chiropractor" and "chiropractic" and prohibit the teaching of technique courses outside of the context of comprehensive educational programs. These policies were clearly formulated after careful thought and broad consultation, with the purpose of protecting our profession and the patients whom we serve. We are confident that the overwhelming majority of our international colleagues are fully supportive of such policies.
There is, however, a history in Japan of unacceptable entrepreneurial behavior by overseas institutions. In some instances, the involvement of overseas chiropractic schools and associations may have been merely naive; in other cases, it may have been willfully reckless. Individual instances might be hard to judge, and we are reluctant to paint all with the same brush.
Therefore, the executives of the Japanese Association of Chiropractors recently met to formulate a uniform and reasonable approach to overseas schools, associations and individuals involved in educational activities in Japan. We would request your assistance in supporting this policy and making it known to all members of our profession.
Chiropractic education in Japan is now at an important crossroads. The recognition of our association and recent assistance by our international colleagues have given us the momentum to move toward uniformly high standards which meet international expectations. There has been considerable recent interest by overseas schools in contributing cooperatively and constructively to that process. The Japanese Association of Chiropractors is committed to a plurality of schools in Japan. Our profession requires bridging programs to bring locally trained practitioners up to a safe and effective level of competence, undergraduate programs to serve the large numbers of potential students who wish to enter international level programs, and continuing education programs for properly qualified practitioners. We would welcome and assist initiatives by overseas institutions in any of these areas.
The Japanese Association of Chiropractors is currently planning an important meeting in North America for overseas schools interested in educational initiatives in Japan. It is our intention to provide the highest level of assistance possible to ethical educational programs entering Japan. Additionally, it is our intention within the coming months to establish those administrative bodies necessary for the regulation of practitioners and educational programs, as one would expect to see in any country with a mature chiropractic profession. It is our decision that schools overseas which support our association's policies should, without favor, be invited to have representation upon those administrative bodies. It is our firm belief that our efforts would benefit from the assistance of experienced individuals and schools overseas.
Furthermore, the Japanese Association of Chiropractors will provide whatever assistance it can to any organization which wishes to establish educational programs which comply with our policies.
Unfortunately, a number of individuals and overseas schools are still involved in completely unacceptable practices in Japan. To discourage those activities, to allow fair notice, and to put the necessary mechanisms for monitoring and response in place, the Japanese Association of Chiropractors will undertake the following at the beginning of the new year:
- Any individual or organization that is a member of the World Federation of Chiropractic and engages in activities in Japan which violate our policies or those of the WFC will find their membership in the World Federation of Chiropractic publicly challenged.
- Any school which engages in educational activities which violate our policies will find its accreditation challenged before the relevant accrediting body.
- Any individual who engages in unacceptable teaching practices will find their license challenged before the relevant licensing body, and their membership in any professional body challenged.
This policy will be enforced without favor or prejudice in a very vigorous and public fashion.
We note that the WFC recently wrote to member institutions reminding them of the importance of the Tokyo Charter and requesting a written commitment to honor it. The Tokyo Charter represents the culmination of years of thoughtful examination and had the unanimous support of the WFC member nations. We must believe that the WFC member nations fully expect associate members of the WFC, whether schools, equipment manufacturers or individuals, to support this policy without reservation. We acknowledge the considerable efforts of the WFC to protect chiropractic in Japan and throughout Asia. We expect other organizations, whether national associations, CCEs or licensing boards, to take similar action.
We thank you for your assistance in making known to our international colleagues the policies of the Japanese Association of Chiropractors which are important to the profession worldwide.
In closing, I would like to quote a great Canadian who, like D.D. Palmer, went south to find something of lasting importance: "We must all hang together. ...."
Dr. Horifumi Nakatsuka
President, Japanese Association of Chiropractors