Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
Presenting the ChiroMaster '99 Award Winners
At the beginning of the summer, Dynamic Chiropractic kicked off its second annual ChiroMaster award contest, a program designed to recognize and showcase the best individual chiropractic websites on the World Wide Web.
Sites were judged for chiropractic content (information for patients about chiropractic) and information about the doctor's practice; technical considerations (layout, download time, ease of use, browser compatibility, valid links); and miscellaneous factors (spelling and grammar and contact information).
With these ideals in mind, Dynamic Chiropractic's website committee took up the difficult task of judging the best websites from the more than 60 sites that were submitted between June 14th and July 31st.
There were positive features about every website submitted for review. We admired the effort put into these websites and truly felt that all the sites were positive representations for the chiropractic profession.
After a thorough review of all the sites submitted, we narrowed the list down to 15 websites which we felt warranted the special consideration of a 1999 ChiroMaster award.
And the Winner Is ...
Any of six or seven sites were in contention for the top website. Choosing one was not easy, but after the votes were counted, this year's ChiroMaster top website went to Dr. Heather Hagerman ( ) of St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. The site combines a good amount of information about chiropractic in a simple but pleasing format that is easy to navigate.
Dr. Hagerman's site is not graphic intensive. Instead, the front page features an elegant line drawing, contact information and a brief introduction to her practice. Delving further into the site, one finds information about Dr. Hagerman and her staff; a brief (but easy to comprehend) definition of chiropractic; a description of a patient's first visit; a copy of the chiropractic oath; descriptions of the techniques used in Dr. Hagerman's practice; separate pages on some of the conditions chiropractors treat; and even some personal information on her family, hobbies and pets. About the only item missing from Dr. Hagerman's site is a map to her office, a feature many of the sites have. The site is a good example of a tasteful site with a personal touch.
ChiroMaster's Top 10
Aside from Dr. Hagerman's site, nine other chiropractic websites received the ChiroMaster award. In alphabetical order, they are:
• Caron Chiropractic Health Clinic ( ). What this site lacks in information, it makes up for with its visual appeal, with a beautiful logo and perhaps the most unique color scheme of any of this year's ChiroMaster winners.
• Essential Chiropractic Center ( ). One of three repeat winners from last year's ChiroMaster contest, Dr. Joel Kinch's website is the most eye-catching chiropractic site reviewed this year, with several animated logos, toolbars and other icons. The site contains various menus and submenus describing what chiropractic is, how it works, the benefits from chiropractic care, and information about Dr. Kinch and his office.
• Germantown Chiropractic ( ). A simple style highlights Dr. Robert Bosland's site. Less than a dozen pages, the site is designed in a way that is visually appealing, making it a great example of a site that emphasizes quality over quantity.
• Hudak Chiropractic Center ( ). A close second to Dr. Hagerman's site for the top spot, contains seven sections related to chiropractic, including an extensive FAQ (frequently asked questions) list, a step-by-step series on what patients should expect during their first visit, driving directions and a photograph of the office, and a thorough biography of Dr. Hudak. The site also has one of the most creative splash pages we've ever seen on a personal chiropractic website.
• Innate Chiropractic of Manhattan ( ). Unlike most of this year's ChiroMaster winners,'s toolbar is located at the bottom of each page. This slight variation does nothing to detract from the site's content, which contains a FAQ section on chiropractic, a brief biography of Dr. Joseph Piken, and a growing glossary of more than two dozen chiropractic terms.
• James (www. ). Another repeat winner from last year, Dr. Edwards's site may appear somewhat boxy at first, but it contains a wealth of valuable information on chiropractic. is divided into 12 sections, including important contact information for each state's board of chiropractic examiners and links to more than a dozen chiropractic colleges.
• Macquarie Chiropractic Clinic ( ). The third of three sites to receive the ChiroMaster award in both 1998 and 1999, this Australian entry sports an animated toolbar divided into 12 sections. Click on "Patient Info" and you'll be taken through a 14-step tour of the clinic. Try the "Q&A" section and you'll find answers to more than two dozen of the most commonly asked questions about chiropractic. You can even leave feedback for the doctors by filling out a form at the site's "Comments" section.
• Martin Chiropractic Clinic ( ). What sets this site apart is that it allows new and returning patients to schedule appointments on line, a great option for patients. has a consistent look and feel and is extremely easy to navigate through.
• Watts Chiropractic Clinic ( ). Another site with an animated toolbar, is divided into six sections ranging from "About Dr. Watts" to "What We Treat." This site's design is simply, effective and delivers its message about chiropractic.
Individual Achievements
We'd like to also recognize some of the websites for their outstanding design in a particular area:
• Most unusual layout: CTS Clinic ( ).
• Most visually appealing: Dr. Kevin Parker (
• Best splash page: Langlitz Chiropractic Group ( ).
• Best use of text and white space: Cambrian Wellness Center ( ).
• Best links section: Moellendorf Chiropractic Office ( ).
A links page for this year's ChiroMaster award winners has been established at ChiroWeb ( Next year's ChiroMaster contest will be held in the summer of 2000. Look for more information on next year's contest in future issues of Dynamic Chiropractic.