News / Profession

Natural Fitness Symposium Features Champions in Chiropractic and Fitness

Editorial Staff

Over 200 doctors, students, fitness trainers and exhibitors attended the International Chiropractors Association's 7th "Symposium on Natural Fitness," presented March 5-7, 1999 by the ICA Council on Fitness and Sports Health Science. A stellar array of faculty presenters, including the annual featured appearance of Arnold Schwarzenegger, provided a weekend of education and inspiration.

Registrants were thrilled to have photo opportunities with Mr. Schwarzenegger. This year Arnold brought along his friend, actor Tom Arnold, who co-starred with him in "True Lies." Symposium attendees also enjoyed admission to the "Arnold Fitness Weekend" action, which included bodybuilding and martial arts competitions, and a multimedia Fitness Expo featuring hundreds of sports gear and equipment exhibitors.

Leaders in exercise, fitness and chiropractic combined excellence in continuing chiropractic education with practical performance guidelines. There was instruction by bodybuilding champion Bill Pearl, "Ms. Fitness" (Dale Tomita) and fitness stars Billy Blanks (Mr. "Tae-Bo"), Lee Haney, and Dr. Pete Gratale, who was presented with ICA's "Sports Chiropractor of the Year" award.

The symposium focused on the close relationship between fitness, health and chiropractic, bringing home the message of natural health through exercise.

In addressing the ICA symposium attendees, Mr. Schwarzenegger commented:

"This has become such a huge, huge event. It's an undertaking beyond belief, and it's all because people like you have participated. We are going into this new millennium together, because there's nothing that fits better together than chiropractic and fitness, exercise and resistance training for better health.

"People who don't believe in chiropractic always ask me about it. I have now become like a spokesperson for chiropractic. So many people come up to me because they know that I am a big believer in chiropractic and that we are doing this fitness weekend together each year. They ask me about chiropractic with questions like, 'How do you choose a chiropractor?' or 'What's the best way of going about finding the best doctor for me?' 'Well,' I say, 'there are a few things that you should watch out for.' Then I give them a few points. I share my experiences.

"I just had another skiing accident up in Sun Valley and I really couldn't move. And I again had one of those miracle moments when you call a chiropractor, they care for you and give you adjustments and then days later you ski again like a champion on moguls. So this is what happened to me ... another personal experience with proof how great chiropractic is."

Mr. Schwarzenegger was awarded a "Doctor of Humanities" from Cleveland Chiropractic College. The honorary diploma was presented by Dr. Carl S. Cleveland III, president of Cleveland Chiropractic College, Kansas City and Los Angeles. The diploma recognizes Arnold's many humanitarian efforts and his support of fitness and health-related programs, like the Inner City Kids program and the Special Olympics.

"I am very honored to get this honorary chiropractic degree, this is totally unexpected," Arnold commented. "I'm proud of this. It will get a special place in my office and I will be hanging it up so everyone can see."

May 1999
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