News / Profession

ChiroPoll -- Your Chance to Learn and Be Heard

Editorial Staff

There are many important issues facing the chiropractic profession. How organizations within the profession react is generally based on a consensus.

How can you know the opinions of other DCs on a broad range of topics? And how can you be sure your opinion will be heard?

Every two weeks, we present a ChiroPoll for your consideration. The leaders of the chiropractic professions can read and think about the results of those polls. It gives them a concrete idea of what DCs are thinking.

Don't sit on the sidelines, speak out. It only takes a minute to voice your opinion. Go to Dynamic Chiropractic's website ( and vote. The direct address for the poll is:

Read the question and click on your choice. When you do, you will immediately see the up-to-date results of the voting.

You will also find the archives of all of the survey questions asked on ChiroPoll. Take a good look.

If you have a suggestion for a survey question, e-mail it to us at Your issues are important to us. Give us the question and see how the profession responds.

February 1999
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