Some doctors thrive in a personality-based clinic and have a loyal following no matter what services or equipment they offer, but for most chiropractic offices who are trying to grow and expand, new equipment purchases help us stay relevant and continue to service our client base in the best, most up-to-date manner possible. So, regarding equipment purchasing: should you lease, get a bank loan, or pay cash?
APHA Announces Call for Chiropractic Abstracts
In 1983, the American Public Health Association (APHA) accepted chiropractic as "safe and effective for neuromusculoskeletal disorders, especially low-back conditions." Twelve years later, in 1995 chiropractic was given its own section in the APHA, which lets the profession participate on a full and equal basis with other health disciplines.
This year, APHA's 127th annual meeting, convention and exhibits will be held November 7-11 in Chicago, Illinois. The Chiropractic Health Care section of APHA is assembling its annual educational program sessions for the upcoming meeting and invites abstracts representing the results of scientific research and programs in all areas related to chiropractic health care.
Topics related to the theme of the 127th annual meeting -- "Celebrating a Century of Progress in Public Health" -- will receive high priority. Other topics of special interest include:
- chiropractic issues in the changing health care environment;
- multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to practice;
- public health implications of musculoskeletal conditions, including demographics and prevalence of the use of chiropractic services, costs of care and evaluation of the safety and effectiveness of chiropractic interventions; and
- appropriate methods and measurements for assessing the clinical outcomes of integrated health care.
Abstracts related to program development and evaluation are alsowelcome, particularly those concerning models of integrated healthcare delivery.
The guidelines for abstracts are:
Abstracts must be received no later than February 1, 1999. Researchers and practitioners in chiropractic and other health care disciplines are encouraged to submit abstracts.
Individuals may submit up to two abstracts as first author to theAPHA's Chiropractic Health Care section. Papers should be originalsubmissions, but authors may also submit them afterwards to otherpublications of their choosing. Work in progress is acceptable ifit will be completed in time for the presentation.
Papers are selected by a blinded, peer-review process. The authors of those papers accepted will be notified in June. Abstracts may not be withdrawn after June 30, 1999. The principal author, or at least one co-author of a multi-author paper, must attend the annual meeting in Chicago at their own expense to present the paper.
All abstracts must adhere to the general APHA guidelines and must be submitted electronically. Guidelines and submission forms can be accessed through the APHA's website ( All questions and communications should be directed to Dr. Roni Evans, DC, section program chair, by telephone (612-885-5444, x. 154); fax (612-888-1957); or e-mail ( Submissions that do not comply with the instructions detailed in this article will be returned without review.