Chiropractic (General)

Our Growing Family - New Commitments, New Name

Donald Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc), FICC(h)

You may not have noticed, but the front page of the print version of this issue features the following statement under Dynamic Chiropractic: "an MPA Media publication."

Maxwell Petersen Associates (MPA) is the company my father, Donald M. Petersen,DC, founded in 1976. His desire was to provide greater exposure for chiropractic and to promote greater success among doctors of chiropractic. But as the years went by, the services we provided always overshadowed the MPA name. My father, not being one for fame, was never really concerned about it. He always felt that being known for how we served chiropractic was more important than having our corporate name known.

The same is still true today. When you think of a chiropractic newspaper, you think of Dynamic Chiropractic. When you think about chiropractic on the internet, http://www.ChiroWeb.comprobably comes to mind. And if you like to stay current on the latest chiropractic research, you probably are one of the over 28,000 subscribers to the Chiropractic Research Review(CRR).

Many DCs don't realize that we are all these things and more. Because we've always put the service first, the company name many times doesn't even appear. There are over 35,000 chiropractic patients and consumers (potential patients) learning about chiropractic and wellness every month through the To Your Health (TYH) newsletter (both print and e-mail versions), with thousands more subscribing each month. They know us by the newsletter's name and, the section of ChiroWeb just for consumers.

As we continue to expand our efforts to educate and inform the public, it's even more criticalto establish a common identity for all of these services. Nonchiropractic companies want to know who we are and what we can offer. Many times they are familiar with Dynamic Chiropractic and ChiroWeb, but don't realize we're the same company.

To provide this common identity, we are beginning to use the name "MPA Media"and this logo:



The logo will be used in association with all of our publications and services, both inside the chiropractic profession and beyond. You will probably see "an MPA Media publication" or the MPA Media logo in places you didn't expect to see it. The type will always be small and unobtrusive, with the logo (when used) at the bottom.

Using the name "MPA Media" maintains our heritage by keeping the "MPA" name in honor of my father, Dr. Donald M. Petersen, who started it all. But it also adds "Media," which encompasses all of the various ways we inform and promote the chiropractic profession. It should, at least for a while, also include any new forms of communication into realms we have yet to explore.

So, as you begin to see the MPA Media name in various places, please don't think anything has changed. It's just our way of letting you know what we do and the extent of our commitment to you and to chiropractic.


October 2000
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