This article focuses on nine severe injuries that are generally not diagnosable until the third to fourth week following the date of injury, including how to diagnose these severe injuries. The discovery of any of these injuries early can make a significant difference in the case outcome.
| Digital ExclusiveFICS Meeting in Mexico
On July 17-23, 2000, the Federación Mexicana de Quiropráctica Deportiva, A.C. (the Mexican chiropractic sports federation) will hold its annual FICS (Fédération Internationale de Chiropratique Sportive) congress and council meeting in Mexico City.
FICS will be offering the International Chiropractic Sports Science Diploma (ICSSD). The FICS asserts that the ICSSD is "going to be the only official degree recognized by FICS, and consequently by the International Olympic Committee (IOC)."
Module I (upper extremity) of the ICSSD program, sponsored by Northwestern College of Chiropractic, will field an international contingent of speakers: DCs Brian Nook; Enrique Benet-Canut; William Moreau; Roland Noirat; Noel Patterson; David Pierson; Octavio Terrazas; and Montserrat Benet-Greg. The seminar portion of the program takes place July 20-23. The seminar will also provide continuing educational hours for the renewal of the CCSP and DACBSP degrees.
The official inauguration of the congress will be held at the headquarters of the Mexican Olympic Committee. The president of Mexico, Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon, has been invited to officially open the proceedings. Dignitaries from the government and sports organizations of Mexico will be attending, including: the president of the Mexican Olympic Committee, Mr. Mario Vazquez Rana; the president of the Mexican Sports Confederation, Mr. Felipe Munoz Kapamas; and the president of the National Commission of Sports, Mr. Ivar Sisniega.
The cost of the seminar is $350 U.S. until July 7, and $400 at the door. Registration can be forwarded to Richard Rosenkoetter, DC, FICS treasurer at, or mailed to him at: 3833 Roswell Road, Suite 109, Atlanta, GA. 30342 (tel) 404-233-2441.