News / Profession

400,000 Banners for Chiropractic

Editorial Staff

In April, ChiroWeb will begin promoting chiropractic on hundreds of health and fitness sites across the internet. An initial blast of 400,000 banners will be placed the first month, with additional banner impressions every 30 seconds every minute of every day thereafter. Users who click on the banners will be forwarded to ChiroWeb's sister site,, which is designed to educate consumers about chiropractic.

The idea behind this new marketing effort is twofold: to introduce the benefits of chiropractic to the more than 160 million online consumers; secondly, to help consumers find a doctor of chiropractic in their area via ChiroWeb's ChiroLocator, which features the names and addresses of every licensed DC in the world.

We believe this campaign will educate the public and increase the number of people seeking chiropractic care.

March 2000
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