While there may be no “magic bullet” when it comes to health, this should not dissuade patients or practitioners from seeking out ingredients that offer multiple health benefits. When it comes to dietary supplements, there are thousands upon thousands of choices. So, why not choose one that can address pain and assist with mental health? A supplement that can address inflammation, while also preventing certain types of cancer.
| Digital ExclusiveHere to Serve You
When meeting doctors of chiropractic, many of them take the time to say a few words of thanks for all that we do at Dynamic Chiropractic. But it seems that they have the misconception that "I" am doing it all. The truth is that I am just part of a hard working team of dedicated people. They, along with our distinguished columnists, are the ones that really deserve your thanks.
On that note, please allow me the opportunity to introduce our team and how they serve you. You may be surprised to learn about some of our services:
Editorial Department
(editorial@mpamedia.com)These are the people who research, write and edit everything we publish. Not only are they responsible for publishing Dynamic Chiropractic every two weeks, they also publish DC News Update (a bi-weekly e-mail newsletter to over 12,000 subscribers); the Chiropractic Research Review (a monthly newsletter to over 26,000 DCs that summarizes the latest research that may affect the chiropractic practice); To Your Health (a monthly print and e-mail newsletter on the benefits of chiropractic as demonstrated in the scientific literature; sent to over 4,000 of your patients and the consumer public); and Acupuncture Today (a monthly publication providing information to the acupuncture profession, with the aim to help unite the alternative care arena). The editorial department also is constantly uploading articles and information onto our website, ChiroWeb.com. Much of this information is only available on ChiroWeb.com.
The members of the editorial department (and their years of service) are:
Steve Kelly (9 years) - editorial department supervisor and managing editor of Dynamic Chiropractic.
Michael Devitt (3 years) - managing editor of Acupuncture Today and associate editor of DC.
Peter Crownfield (2 years) - managing editor of the Chiropractic Research Review and To Your Health; associate editor of DC; produces the e-mail newsletter DC News Update; also responsible for uploading consumer information on ChiroWeb.com.
Michael Anderson (just hired) - assistant editor of Dynamic Chiropractic and responsible for uploading articles onto ChiroWeb.com.
Advertising Department
(advertising@mpamedia.com)These are the people who work with many companies and doctors of chiropractic to schedule adverting in Dynamic Chiropractic, ChiroMart (chiropractic classified advertising), Acupuncture Today and on ChiroWeb.com. They also produce and send ChiroDeals (a weekly e-mail newsletter) and ChiroEvents (a bi-weekly e-mail newsletter) to over 12,000 subscribers (subscription to ChiroDeals is free at http://www.chiroweb.com/newsletters/chirodeals.html ).
The members of the advertising department are:
Dori Baker (19 years) - marketing director.
Anne Gardner (10 years) - advertising director and department supervisor.
Leslie Klein (4 years) - offers all aspects of advertising focusing on insert advertising.
Paula Evans (3 years) - offers all aspects of advertising, attends many chiropractic conventions.
Michael Robbins (2 years) - focuses on ChiroWeb.com and other Internet advertising.
Jason Wicker (1 year) - produces ChiroDeals and ChiroEvents.
David Siedsma (newly hired) - offers all aspects of advertising.
Leah Lutz (1 year) - focuses on ChiroMart classified advertising.
(We are currently looking for a new addition to the advertising department.)
Production Department
(list@mpamedia.com )These are the people who help put the print publications together. They place and administer the advertising and maintain the mailing list database (all address changes go to them).
The members of the production department are:
Jo Ann MacKilligan (6 years) - production department supervisor.
Georgia Ginsberg (9 years) - senior advertising coordinator.
Jack Khawaja (1 year) - list coordinator.
Kathleen Bennett (1 year) - advertising coordinator.
Angelina Small (newly hired) - production coordinator.
Karie Lutz (1 year) - data entry, general office.
Graphics Department
These talented people do all of the layout and graphics for every print publication and ChiroWeb.com. They also develop and manage all of the software programs that provide information and open exchange on ChiroWeb.com.The members of the graphics department are:
Arnetta Boulton (12) - technical director and graphics department supervisor.
David Ortiz (4) years of service) - graphic designer, also does all of the cartoons.
Alex Mukai (2) years of service) - graphic designer, also does website development.
Adam Zakharov (newly hired) - graphic designer.
Website Developers:
Thomas Montague (5 years) - Webmaster.
Spencer Chen (3 years) - Website Developer.
Order Desk
(orderdesk@mpamedia.com )These are the people who take the orders for the Preferred Reading list and many chiropractic seminars. They maintain the database for the User ID and Password for each doctor of chiropractic on ChiroWeb.com.
The members of the order desk are:
Lynda Bloemke (6 years) - order desk supervisor.
Annette Brunell (1 year) - customer service.
Stella Castillo (1 year) - customer service.
Craig Auger (newly hired) - mail room.
(We are also looking for another person for our order desk department.)
Accounting Department
These two young ladies, using a sophisticated software system, process almost 12,000 transactions per year and keep all the financial records in order.The members of the accounting department are:
Constance Knott (19 years) - accounting manager.
Sunim Riggs (9 years) - accounts receivable.
These are the people that handle all of the personnel, human resources and office procedures. They are particularly focused on keeping our computer network and communications system (which includes 32 PCs, 9 Macs, 2 NT Servers, 15 printers and 2 Unix Servers) running smoothly.Elizabeth Auger (16 years) - general manager.
Bobbie Gardner (6 years) - operations and communications coordinator.
Evelyn Petersen (6 years) - human resources coordinator.
Along with myself, this team of 34 people is here to serve you and the chiropractic profession.