News / Profession

FCLB Celebrates 75 Years

Editorial Staff

SAN ANTONIO, Texas - At this year's meeting of the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards, April 4-8, the FCLB looked back on its rich history as the profession's regulatory body, and looked ahead to the licensing and disciplinary challenges of the state boards:

  • A more uniform application model was proposed to streamline applications for new and experienced doctors by accessing various credentialing databases.
  • Everything from the concepts of "e-practice" to "travel-to-treat" was discussed, with the complex issues of regulatory jurisdictional authority at the forefront.
  • The public and media interest in information is causing boards to re-evaluate what information needs to be readily accessible, including having a website presence. Whether the entire text of final disciplinary orders should be accessible on the internet is under close scrutiny in many jurisdictions.

A diverse educational program focused on interjurisdictional mobility, a centralized continuing education (CE) credentialing service for regulatory boards (and new forms of CE including video and CD-ROM), and a look at combating the potential for fraud in interdisciplinary practices.

Managed care representatives addressed the need to notify boards of the conclusions of their investigations, and whether reporting to state, federal or professional databases creates barriers to doctors participating in health care organizations.

Particularly noteworthy was the enthusiastic support of an investigations manager for Allstate, who promised to assist the chiropractic regulatory community in building a supportive network with major insurance companies to ensure fair and balanced investigations.

Horace Elliott Receives FCLB's Highest Honor

Citing his exceptional personal and professional ethics, the FCLB presented its highest honor, the George W. Arvidson award, to Horace Elliott, executive director of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners.

In presenting the award to Mr. Elliott, Dr. David Brown lauded his diverse background in management, and his attention to detail. "He is a man you can depend on," Dr. Brown observed.

Now in its ninth year, the award recognizes individual sacrifice and contribution to chiropractic regulation. Past recipients have included Drs. Ken Padgett; Edwin Devereaux; Peter Ferguson; Daniel Saint-Germain; co-winners Frank Hideg Jr. and the late Paul Tullio; D. Brent Owens; Rex Wright; and the initial recipient, Donald Petersen Jr.

A surprise 75th anniversary gift was delivered by Louis Sportelli,DC, president of the NCMIC Insurance Co., who announced that NCMIC would fund a compilation of the history of regulation, to be authored by Dr. Joseph Keating.

The 2000 award for Outstanding Chiropractic Regulatory Board was presented to the South Dakota Board of Chiropractic Examiners. As a model for others, the FCLB recognized the board's efforts in the important areas of new patient protection legislation, information and education outreach to licensees, increased mobility for properly credentialed practitioners, and streamlined internal operations.

In addition to the regular educational conference, a pre-session summit meeting hosted by the FCLB brought together the leadership for regulation, testing and accreditation. The NBCE and the Council on Chiropractic Education discussed timing of exams; criminal history of applicants for licensure; educational standards; institutional stability in light of fluctuating enrollments; and administrative barriers to candidates. The meeting is expected to reconvene next year, with the guest list expanded to include the college presidents.

At the annual business meeting, four flags once again graced the podium, as Mexico, Australia, and Canada joined the U.S. boards.

Dr. Wayne Wolfson of Florida was elected to a one-year term as FCLB president, and Dr. Richard Cole of Tennessee emerged the winner in a run-off election among three candidates for vice president. Dr. David Brown of Virginia continues on the board as immediate past president.

Bylaws amendments were discussed vigorously, but the two major issues were voted down: adding a new membership class to include board administrators (and an administrator seat on the overall board of directors), and terms of office for the three officer positions. Some members favored retaining the current limit of two one-year terms, while others supported a single two-year term. A resolution endorsing general guidelines to streamline mobility for practicing doctors passed without opposition.

The current FCLB Board, DCs all, are:

Wayne Wolfson, president
Richard Cole, vice-president
N. Edwin Weathersby, treasurer
David Brown, immediate past president
Patricia Conners-Allen,
district I director and executive board chair
James Sommers, district II director
Daniel Saint-Germain, district III director
Oliver "Bud" Smith Jr., district IV director
Linda Steele Denham,district V director.

Retiring directors included past president Drs. Lawrence Gerstein of Missouri, and James Powell of Ohio.

For reference copies of conference materials, and information on the board members and next year's conference May 1-5 in Chicago, visit the FCLB website at

May 2001
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