News / Profession

ACC Educational Conference Looks to Technology and the Future

William Dallas Elected ACC President
Editorial Staff

SAN DIEGO, Calif. - The Association of Chiropractic Colleges (ACC) Eighth Annual Educational Conference, March 15-17, focused on technology and its impact on education. Robert Mauer,MD, a behavior scientist and professor at UCLA, was the keynote speaker. Other speakers included Rand Baird,DC, who provided a history of chiropractic in the American Public Health Association, and Congressman Bob Filner (D-CA), who presented an update on chiropractic legislation, and gave some insight into the legislative mood in Washington, D.C.

The ACC Board of Directors meeting also included the election of officers, the addition of two colleges to the ACC, and awarding of ACC scholarships:

New ACC Officers Elected

President: Bill Dallas,DC
(Western States Chiropractic College)

Immediate Past President: George Goodman,DC
(Logan Chiropractic College)

Vice President: Jean Moss,DC
(Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College)

Secretary/Treasurer: Frank Zolli,DC
(University of Bridgeport)

Two Colleges Added

The ACC, which had represented 17 chiropractic institutions of higher learning, added two more: L'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, and the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic.

Board Initiatives

  • agreement on a new ACC student loan program with Educational Investment Company, Inc.;

  • commendation to Dr. Sid Williams and Life University for their work with the World Health Organization, including the tobacco-free initiative;

  • discussion of a centralized application service for the schools.

Next year's ACC conference is scheduled for New Orleans, Louisiana, with a theme of institutional and faculty development. The conference will be held in conjunction with the RAC VI (Research Agenda Conference), an annual event that provides training on research and grant making.
April 2001
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