News / Profession

Winter Report of the International Federation of Sports Chiropractic (FICS)

Editorial Staff


The 2000 Ontario Games were completed with Dr. Mark Poray in charge. He served as the director of medical services for 3,500 athletes, coaches and officials. The medical staff consisted of chiropractors; physicians; athletic therapists; massage therapists; nurses; physiotherapists; and paramedics.

The College of Chiropractic Sports Sciences announced the start of its new university-based sports residency program designed with the practicing chiropractor in mind. Emphasis will be on athletic injury management; targeting national and international events and athletes; supervised athletic injury management of the physically or mentally challenged athlete; the master level and adolescent athlete; and supervised participation in multidisciplinary sports clinics hospitals.

The core curriculum items will be on bio-mechanics; nutrition; psychology; and physiology.

Canadian chiropractors Reg Gates, Ken Nikkelson and Jim Verners treated a significant number of athletes at the 2000 Maritime Life Olympic Trials and 2000 Paralympic Trials.

Great Britain

Alyson Wreford and Fiona Jacobs are on the sports faculty of the British College of Sports Chiropractors (BCSC) as chairperson and head of academic affairs, respectfully. Ian Dingwall and David Young are now on the board; Tom Greenway became president; Dick Skippings is treasurer; and Carla How is secretary. Luke Ramsay and Mike Whatling remain on the committee, and Matthew Bennett and Trevor Killick are also serving on the sports faculty.

The Sports Injury Management (Chiropractic - or MSc) degree program was due to begin in September at Glamorgan.

Dr. Tom Greenway, through FICS, was able to be part of the Great Britain team in Sydney. This was the first time their Olympic team had access to a chiropractor.


The BCSC and FICS will present a joint program at a Scottish golf course in June. This program, which will examine golf injuries and assess, treatment and rehabilitation and be overseen by Dr. Ian Dingwell.


Pia Hansen reported that 16 chiropractors seek to form the Danish Sports Council. She also represented Denmark at the Sydney Olympics. Rikke Craven and Annette Jorgensen have been very active in helping to promote the formation of the Danish Sports Council and in promoting the care of athletes by chiropractors in Denmark.


Dr. Noel Patterson coordinated the involvement of chiropractors in Sydney. He was assisted by his son, Paul, also a DC. Australia sent 21 chiropractors to Sydney with additional volunteers coming from New Zealand; Norway; Denmark; Great Britain; Italy; Mexico; South America; Denmark; Sweden; Canada; and the U.S. Dr. Roland Noirat arranged to have clothing provided for the volunteers. Dr. Patterson has worked to organize the logistics for practitioners attending the Games in Sydney for several years.


In October, Drs. Brian Nook and Thomas Hyde represented FICS in Tokyo at the request of Dr. Brian Budgell (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) and chiropractors interested in forming a national sports council. Both doctors lectured, then held meetings with those interested in forming the council. After several days, a board of seven was formed and will begin to develop their statutes and by laws along with their committees.

The World Games are coming to Akita in 2001, which will provide a test for some of the Japanese doctors and FICS chiropractors from around the world.


Dr. Daniele Bertamini reported that he was advised by the president of the International Water Ski Federation that they would meet and let their board decide about the involvement of chiropractors. The federation will provide a list of their events in which chiropractors will be involved.

The Italian Sports Council has reached agreements with the Ski Federation (for the Snow Board Team) and the Rowing Federation.


Dr. Clive Bridgham of Rhode Island provided chiropractic services at the 2000 World Surfing Games in Recife, Brazil. Dr. Bridgham also served as the sports medicine director of the International Surfing Association.


The World Federation of Chiropractic will meet in Paris May 24-26, 2001. The FICS will provide a short presentation and meet with chiropractors that have an interest in starting sports federations in their respective countries. The FICS will provide guidance, bylaws, statutes and as much support as possible. Dr. Bertamini will make a presentation on philosophy and Dr. Tom Greenway will speak about how to form a national sports council.

In October, FICS was represented in Monte Carlo by Drs. Bertamini, Patterson, Pierson and Noirat. Dr. Patterson made a presentation to the World Games Association, and to its president, Mr. Ron Froelich. He indicated that he would do his best to assist FICS in bringing doctors to Akita for the upcoming World Games. Overall, his presentation was before 30 different sports groups and included Dr. Jacques Rogge, International Olympic Committee (IOC) VP. Dr. Rogge is an orthopedic surgeon from Belgium and could very well be the next president of the IOC.


Dr. Homer Firestone reported the start of a national sports council in Bolivia.

There are three chiropractors in Bolivia, and all of them want to be members of FICS.


Dr. Alfredo Orillac gave a very comprehensive report of activities in Panama. He indicated there have been four chiropractic missions there, with chiropractors from the U.S. and Canada offering free chiropractic services for a week in each of the missions. Dr. Orillac stated that over 200,000 people in Panama received chiropractic care during the first visit, including the First Lady of Panama. The missions resulted in meetings with the director of public health.


Dr. Tom Wong and Dr. David Cosman stated that they formed a national sports council, and have several members. At this time, they have covered several events and have plans to cover more throughout 2001.

February 2001
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