Chiropractic (General)

2001: What Can We Hope For?

Donald Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc), FICC(h)

... Another list of New Year's resolutions that will never be carried out?

... Another chance to build up our hopes and expectations only to have them dashed to the ground by grim reality?

... Another list of pipe dreams?

Not in this article!!

Over the last 12 years (yes, it's really been that long that I've been writing this column), we've seen numerous opportunities for chiropractic to grow and expand beyond the small percentage of consumers we still see as chiropractic patients. Some of these opportunities have been fulfilled, but many have not.

So what's going to make 2001 any different? Are we really expected to get our hopes up one more time for initiatives that have eluded the chiropractic profession for decades?

Rather than get our hopes up, it may be time that we got our insistence up.

You probably don't realize the power you have as a member of the chiropractic profession. Even if you don't belong to a national or state association, you can exert a significant amount of pressure for change and progress in chiropractic leadership. If you are a member of a chiropractic association, the amount of pressure you can exert doubles and triples.

I've seen it happen numerous times over the years: If the members of this profession really want something and are willing to persist in their insistence, they can make it happen. As phone calls, letters and e-mails increase, our chiropractic leaders can't help but hear and respond. Your insistence dictates their agendas.

Likewise, when the profession shows no interest in an issue ... it dies. If you don't ask for change or action, it doesn't happen.

So what's going to happen in 2001?

That depends on what you insist. What you want can happen, but only if you really want it. If you and other DCs are willing to make your desires known and give our leaders direction and input, then you can expect them to have confidence in the actions they take. Your support is their foundation for success.

So what are the most important issues? Unity? Managed care? Marketing chiropractic? Increasing market share?

2001 is a new year. You have the ability to help set this year's agenda for your chiropractic association and profession.

Take a few minutes to contact the chiropractic leaders you most respect. Let them know your hopes and expectations. Let them know what you want, and then watch to see what they do to accomplish it.

Give our chiropractic leaders your full support, but make them accountable for it.

2001 can be a "new" year.


January 2001
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