Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
DuVall's VA Report Shows NACM's True Colors
On Monday, September 30, 2002, a member of the National Association of Chiropractic Medicine (NACM) published a very condescending and derogatory report from NACM President Charles DuVall,DC, on ChiroSci-List, a chiropractic list-server. The title of the posting was: "The first VHA meeting: what the profession won't tell you."1 Duvall's report related his experience and perceptions of the first meeting of the Veterans Administration's Chiropractic Advisory Committee.2
DuVall's comments and tone were disdainful of doctors of chiropractic. In numerous instances, he referred to DCs obliquely as "they," and referred to the law that made the VA chiropractic benefit possible as "their law." There was also a suggestion of paranoia when he discussed the restrictions on the ability for observers to attend and speak to the committee. (Editor's note: All excerpts from DuVall's report are printed just as they appeared.)
"If ANYONE does NOT follow the protocol of sitting and listening ONLY, or if permitted to address the Committee tries to direct their position toward a single member of the Committee, or if any observer disrupts the meeting, they WILL be escorted from the meeting by security - resistance WILL result in ARREST."
There were several instances in DuVall's report in which he appeared to relish the possibility that the efforts of the Chiropractic Advisory Committee may not succeed as envisoned:
"It was pointed out to the chiropractic members, and the numerous lobbyists that came to observe from every faction of the profession, that while their law was passed with the direction that chiropractic physicians will be hired by the VA they grossly missed a KEY point in their law - they had failed to include that chiropractic physicians will be hired under Title 38. (The hiring status for physicians [MD/DO/DDS/DMD/PA/OD/DPM). They also had not done the proper study to determine WHAT D.C.'s do to determine whether they could be taken in under Title 38 or if they [D.C.'s] would be better in Hybrid Title 38 or Title 5. The reaction I observed of the chiro. lobbyists was UTTER SHOCK! As if they, who are paid the $$$$$$$$ to KNOW, Didn't have a clue." "At the present time the VA is looking to hire no more than 1 DC/ site. (The Committee feels that it should be @ least 2 or more." "Besides going to Bethesda Naval Hospital to see the D.C. who is working there, we will reach a point that, I believe, feathers will ruffle, as we decide scope of practice for DC's & referral to DC's. [In my humble opinion, if anyone believes that DC's will become primary care providers in the VA, it is more likely that the Jews will give the Hamas the key to Tel Aviv.]" |
As has occurred before,3-11 DuVall's report included information about a television program that he hopes to be featured in that is not expected to be complimentary to chiropractic:
"On Tuesday, I had a film crew from Showtime, come into DC to film me for an upcoming show on questionable medical practices & quackery. I was to meet them at my hotel at 5:30." |
Shortly after DuVall's report was published, a "CLARIFICATION OF INACCURACIES IN MESSAGE TO CHIROSCI-LIST" was posted on the VA website ( The "clarification," written by Sara McVicker,RN,MN, the VA clinical program manager, contained two pages of corrections to the DuVall report, and some additional comments, including:
"A message posted on regarding the first meeting of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Chiropractic Advisory Committee contains numerous inaccuracies. As the committee manager and designated federal official for the committee, I would like to clarify several points. "P.L. 107-135 states: "The Secretary shall designate at least one site for such program in each geographic service area of the Veterans Health Administration. The sites so designated shall be medical centers and clinics located in urban areas and in rural areas." (Emphasis added). P.L. 107-135 provides a minimum requirement, but does not restrict VA to only one site per geographical service area. VA has made no decision regarding the number or location of VA sites where chiropractic care will be provided. Likewise, no decisions have been made regarding the number of DCs to be placed at any given site." |
DuVall's tone and language seem to suggest that he does not consider himself a member of the very profession of which he is so critical. If this is true, several questions come to mind: Why was DuVall selected as a member of the Chiropractic Advisory Committee? If he is not a doctor of chiropractic, what is he?
- A complete copy of DuVall's report as published on the ChiroSci-List can be found at:
- Veterans Administration appoints chiropractic oversight committee. Dynamic Chiropractic September 13, 2002.
- Barrett's website berates chiropractic: "Chirobase" planning to establish referral directory. Dynamic Chiropractic January 1, 1999.
- Dr. Duvall schools New Jersey health benefits commission on denying chiropractic services. Dynamic Chiropractic April 5, 1999.
- South Dakota DCs fighting for right to perform school athletic physicals: Charles DuVall,DC, advises MDs how to derail DCs. Dynamic Chiropractic June 14, 1999.
- South Dakota high school boards vote down DCs performing athletic physicals: Duvall's testimony crucial in helping statewide measure fall 27 votes short of passage. Dynamic Chiropractic July 12, 1999.
- National Council Against Health Fraud. Dynamic Chiropractic October 10, 1990.
- Under scrutiny: CBS looks at chiropractic pediatrics. Dynamic Chiropractic July 2, 1993.
- A victim's perspective? Dynamic Chiropractic November 6, 1995.
- Woman's Day assaults chiropractic pediatrics - NACM and orthopractors contend chiropractic and kids don't mix. Dynamic Chiropractic June 4, 1993.
- "20/20" targets chiropractic pediatrics. Dynamic Chiropractic February 25, 1994.