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Not Another Four Years of Davis!

Donald Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc), FICC(h)

On November 5, chiropractic doctors (and students) in California will have a choice to vote Gray Davis for governor for four more years, or to vote for someone who openly supports chiropractic.

In case anyone has forgotten, Mr. Davis was solely responsible for shutting down the California Chiropractic Board in July 2001 by his unwillingness to appoint a chiropractor to the board for most of his first three years as governor. (During this time, he was willing to make 13 appointments to the California Medical Board.1)

Just three days after the first article on this issue was published on our website, Davis finally responded by appointing two people to the board, bringing the number of board members to four - just enough for a quorum. This allowed the board to have its first meeting in over seven months. While Davis had many choices for the board, he appointed a chiropractic acupuncturist and an insurance fraud attorney from a well-known anti-chiropractic law firm.2

Two months later, after a second round of articles in Dynamic Chiropractic,3 Davis made one more appointment, bringing the number of board members to five - still two short of the full complement of seven.

Why Davis refuses to appoint the last two doctors of chiropractic remains a mystery. The answer may be that two of the board members are in their grace period, which will expire on February 11, 2003. If he is re-elected, his continued refusal to appoint a full board of chiropractic will again shut down the board just after he is sworn in for a second term.

When asked to explain his actions via an interview, Davis wouldn't answer the invitation.4 (His obvious disdain for chiropractic extends beyond the board to the profession itself.) In sharp contrast, gubernatorial hopeful Bill Simon was happy to be interviewed and share his thoughts about chiropractic with the profession.5 Mr. Simon commented:

"I am a chiropractic patient. I believe strongly in chiropractic's role in the health of all people. Today, health care is about choices. It will be my goal to see that every Californian maintains the right to receive whatever form of health care he or she deems most appropriate for his or her needs.

"As the third-largest health care profession, you can expect to enjoy a solid working relationship with my office. There would be no board vacancies, and there would always be the opportunity to dialogue with me about issues important to your profession.

"The current governor couldn't find the time to address the needs of the chiropractic profession for almost four years. This should tell you a lot about Mr. Davis.

"On the other hand, I am anxious to begin a dialogue with the chiropractors of California before I even enter office. This, too, should tell you something about me."

This is not about California politics, or Republicans versus Democrats. It's much bigger than that. This is about the welfare of more than 10,000 doctors of chiropractic (and students at four chiropractic colleges) and their patients for the next four years - and quite possibly beyond.

If you are a chiropractic doctor or student in California, you can't vote for Gray Davis. He is plainly against our profession and isn't afraid to make that clear. If you feel strongly about this profession, you have to vote for the only candidate that is willing to talk to us.

Bill Simon was willing to speak out about his chiropractic beliefs back in June, a time before the election really got underway. Simon wasn't afraid to go on record as a chiropractic supporter from the beginning.

Californians - If you can't vote for Simon, at least show your support for chiropractic by not voting for Davis. Let your friends, family and patients know that voting for Davis is voting against chiropractic.

This election is going to be close. This is a golden opportunity to cast the deciding votes and let at least one anti-chiropractic politician know that we won't be ignored and mistreated.

  1. Demise of the California Board of Chiropractic. Dynamic Chiropractic April 8, 2002; 20(8):1,6.
  2. California Governor Davis responds to DC article. Dynamic Chiropractic April 22, 2002;20(9):43.
  3. Governor Davis appoints third DC to California Board. Dynamic Chiropractic July 1, 2002;20(14)1,48.
  4. Petersen D. Do you care about chiropractic, Governor Davis? Dynamic Chiropractic June 17, 2002;20(13):3.
  5. California gubernatorial candidate Bill Simon on chiropractic and the state board. Dynamic Chiropractic June 17, 2002;20(13):1,17.



November 2002
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