News / Profession

Biomechanics Conference held at University of Calgary,Canada

Allan Gotlib, BSc,DC

The 4th World Congress of Biomechanics was held August 4-9, 2002 in Calgary, Alberta. This congress, which occurs only every four years, is the premier event in biomechanics from the World Council of Biomechanics. The congress was attended by over 1,500 world-leading researchers in all areas of biomechanics, and was sponsored in part by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Whitaker Foundation and the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research.

The opening ceremony featured Dr. Steven Chu, the 1997 Nobel Laureate in physics. More than 1,100 free communications were given, and over 500 symposia speakers were invited.

Chiropractors have become an important element in this world-class event. Five chiropractors were invited to present:

Dr. Greg Kawchuk, Canada's first Chiropractic Research Chair at the University of Calgary, was an invited session chairman. All of the DCs were invited to the session described below.

The first session: Spinal Biomechanics I
Chairperson: Dr. Greg Kawchuk
Co-Chair: Dr. Manohar Panjabi

Models for whiplash injury
Dr. Manohar Panjabi, Yale University School of Medicine

The assessment of spinal kinematics during the application of an A-P mobilization
Dr. Alison McGregor, Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine, London

Biomechanical evidence for proprioceptive function of lumbar facet joint capsule
Dr. Partap Khalsa, Stony Brook University

Role of local biomechanics in temporal behavioral responses of painful radiculopathy
Dr. Beth Winkelstein, University of Pennsylvania

In vivo quantification of disc bulging in different annular regions along a radial path
Dr. Greg Kawchuk, University of Calgary

The second session: Spinal Biomechanics II
Chairperson: Dr. Aage InDahl
Co-Chair: Dr. Moshe Solomonow

Neuromuscular implications of lumbar viscoelastic tissues
Dr. Moshe Solomonow, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center

Paraspinal muscle spindle responses to biomechanical changes in the spine
Dr. Joel Pickar, Palmer Center for Chiropractic Research, Iowa Spine Research Center, University of Iowa

Changes in range of motion in the cervical spine following spinal manipulation: a review
Dr. Niels Nilsson, University of Southern Denmark

Neck loads during spinal manipulation
Dr. John Triano, Texas Back Institute, and U. of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

The sacroiliac joint, intervertebral disc and muscle reflexes
Dr. Aage InDahl

Chiropractic researchers have played a significant role in advancing the interests of the profession as they undertake multidisciplinary and collaborative research initiatives, particularly in a world-class arena such as this Congress. Creating new chiropractic knowledge and transferring it to decision-makers will bring substantial benefits to patients. By building research capacity and infrastructure, the profession of chiropractic is able to more fully integrate with the health care system. Chiropractic researchers are positioned to undertake greater research roles in the health system, in teaching, in industry, in government and in the private sector.

Allan Gotlib,DC
Research Programs, Canadian Chiropractic Association, Editor, JCCA
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

October 2002
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