In a landmark development, Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) has reached a $2.8 billion settlement to resolve antitrust claims brought by health care providers, including chiropractors. The lawsuit accused BCBS of dividing the nation into exclusive regions and limiting competition, which resulted in lower reimbursements for providers. Although BCBS denies any wrongdoing, the company agreed to the settlement to avoid lengthy litigation – and you can get a piece of the pie.
Of God, Guts and Ruts
Only two things in life change us: the people we meet and the books we read.
Over the years I have found a great deal of help from reading books on subjects outside of my profession. I thought I would tell you about four of them that had an impact on my life last year.
A colleague (who just knew by the title of the book that I would be interested) recommended the first book: Why God Won't Go Away, by MDs Andrew Newberg and Eugene D'Aquili. It is a natural for chiropractors. It addresses neurologically how man is wired by God to seek him. It talks about the emerging science called neurotheology. I found it most interesting, and I think it will help you understand that there is a God.
The next book was recommended in the first book, and it is The History of God by Karen Armstrong. Let me warn you that it is not an easy read! It discusses the three major religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. I recommend it because of the times we live in, and because it helped me understand thousands of years of history in one book.
The third book, written by a DC, is Busting Your Rut by Dr. Daniel Drubin. Danny has been a friend of mine for years, so when he spoke to our Activator instructors meeting in Phoenix in July, I was sitting there in amazement. Our instructors couldn't get enough of this book, which talks about the only thing in life that can be guaranteed: change. He talks about 33 practical lessons to alter your destiny, transform your life and free your spirit. In the first chapter, he hits you over the head with the title: "All change is about loss and gain." If that won't get you to read the book, then you are not a reader. I have read and reread this book.
The last book is a bestseller: Straight from the Gut, by the former chairman of General Electric, Jack Welsh. "What does the former chairman of G. E. have to teach a practicing chiropractor?" you might ask. I wondered the same thing. The book was a gift. I read it during a flight and was "blown away!" You see, we are all chairpersons of our own businesses; chiropractors are simply a microcosm of big business. I found the book extremely helpful in the area of people management. (Most of you know that staff management is probably one of the most difficult things you face in your practice.) He believes in acting very quickly when it comes to letting an employee go. He says that both the boss and employee know far in advance when things are not going to work out.
Jack Welsh's only regret in all his years at the helm of G. E. was not acting fast enough when he knew things had to change. He would have enjoyed Danny's book. The other concept that I learned from Straight from the Gut was that true leaders have the vision to do the right things for the future success of their businesses. That is why it is so essential that you expand you range of knowledge and open yourself up to new ideas and trends that can benefit your practice.
I hope these four books may be of help to you, I know that they were very helpful to me. Have a happy and prosperous new year.
Arlan Fuhr,DC
Phoenix, Arizona