Because they have yet to pass national legislation protecting the chiropractic profession, Japanese DCs are in a similar situation that U.S. DCs faced. We were fortunate enough to be able to pass chiropractic licensure state by state. The DCs in Japan must accomplish this nationally, which has proved to be an extremely difficult task. And in spite of their efforts, Japanese DCs are currently faced with two chiropractic professions.
Michigan Chiropractic Associations Explore Merger
On Aug. 7, 2005, The Michigan Chiropractic Association (MCA) and the Michigan Chiropractic Society (MCS) announced each had appointed members to a "unification steering committee" in an effort to explore a possible merger of the two organizations. The committee will work out the process and procedures that could lead to the eventual merger of the two groups.
"The agreement to commence formal discussions about the steps necessary to work toward consolidation is a critical first step. Both groups are to be commended for courage displayed in this decision," declared Dr. Christophe Dean, president of the MCS.
"We are very pleased with last Thursday's directive, and we look forward to working together to achieve this critical goal," enthused Dr. Sam Caruso, MCA president.
If the merger were to take place, the goal would be to create one, more influential and unified association to better serve the chiropractic profession and chiropractic patients in Michigan. Michigan state senators and representatives have expressed that one united chiropractic group would be able to get much more accomplished and would result in a significantly stronger legislative voice.
Almost immediately after the announcement, the steering committee e-mailed a survey to more than 1,400 chiropractors in Michigan regarding the potential for a merger of the two associations. Approximately 90% of those who responded were in favor of the proposed merger. Of those who responded, 45% were MCA members, 34% were MCS members and 21% were not members of either association.
The two associations believe that they agree on 85% of the issues. Their primary difference appears to be related to how they approach those issues.
"Instead of airing our differences to others outside our profession, we could now discuss our differences in one board room among ourselves. This would stop us from appearing disjointed and would prevent our enemies from playing us against each other," commented Dr. Caruso.
Added Dr. Dean: "So, now maybe, just maybe, we can continue this trend and maybe, just maybe, Michigan could be the tipping point and soon another state, emboldened by our success, would follow, and then another and another."