Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
Do We Have a Problem in Our Profession?
Article after article has been appearing in our chiropractic publications stating that we as a profession are in the process of loosing our identity in the healing world. This crisis has come about because we do not know our true identity, where we are going, and what is our perimeter of care. Many of us lack the true conviction that there is an innate power which built our body, maintains it, and has the power to heal with chiropractic care. I thank God every day for bringing the knowledge of chiropractic to us and the delivery system to a sick world. We are the only division of a healing science that acknowledges an intangible power that creates, provides, and preserves human life in the condition it wishes to express a perfect creation.
How many DCs and chiropractic students can identify with this premise, or do we want to become so unrecognizable that we only call on this healing power after we have turned our patients over to the allopath.
I think back over 40 years ago to our chiropractic education. As students, we grew in our philosophy of chiropractic by hearing on a daily basis from each chiropractic professor the definition of chiropractic, the detection of a subluxation, and the application of a corrective chiropractic adjustment. Palpation, visualization (now called imagery), was a major component of our curriculum. We understood that a patient could have daily subluxations due to violation of natural laws of living. The chiropractic adjustment was administered to a patient only after spinographs and instrumentation were established.
Presently, some DCs are not concerned with instrumentation, and they would rather adjust than think of how, why, and when to deliver such a corrective chiropractic force to the human spine. Consequently, the signs point to our label as being manipulators and chasers of symptoms.
B. J. Palmer taught us in a simplistic statement of fact, "Find the subluxation, fix it, and leave it alone." We can trust the innate force that built the body to heal its marvelous creation. Many chiropractors have been so busy trying to be accepted by the medical profession that they have made themselves unacceptable. The medics are already using chiropractic procedures and when they have it all reorganized under their political machine, they will stamp us as the thieves and schemers who want to get in under medical recognition. Our only chance of survival is to illustrate that we are distinct, we are separate, and we do have a philosophy. I can testify that in the 13 years that we had practiced in New York state before a board of examination was set up, the public knew we were distinct and separate from the medical profession. In fact, the "medics" announced that we were practicing medicine without a license and that we could go to jail by doing so. Do you think that they have forgotten or dissolved their outlook on health care and who is recognized under their rulership?
Today we should continue to educate the public about our differences toward healing. Show our true belief. Stop pretending that we are going to a Halloween party in a medical costume and mask in order to falsify who we are and what we believe. Now is our opportunity for individuals to clarify their belief system in chiropractic. Start with yourself to establish guidelines to follow, then begin to manage your patient care along those perimeters. Give every patient a concise, truthful explanation of what chiropractic is and what you aim to accomplish. Always state your facts that chiropractic is a specialty. Maintain your credibility and truthfulness so that your reliability will grow and the profession will strengthen.
Your area of influence in your community will enlarge if you follow a clear, fair, concise presentation of cause, correction, and cost. My husband Nelson Peet, D.C. and I have lived and practiced in a small city in New York state for over 40 years. Our reputation for results grew quickly because we followed exactly what I am telling you. My father, Dr. John Killeen, who never practiced chiropractic with a New York state license, built a reputation for 45 years following the identical steps: a sound philosophy, a truthful presentation, and a delivery system that is unmatched.
Our son, Dr. Parry S. Peet, is carrying on in our chiropractic status. In his third generation of an inherited plan he is continuing to give "millions of years to millions of lives." Our son, Dr. Palmer Peet and his wife, Dr. Jennifer Peet are practicing in Burlington, Vermont and are presenting detailed information on "baby adjusting." Jennifer has published a manual on this subject. Palmer, Jennifer, Nelson and I are presenting a class to the profession this winter in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. This course is approved under continuing education. Our daughter, Paula, will soon receive her DC from Life College. We are an expressive chiropractic family who believe in our principles of life and health.
We have a simple, clear, concise philosophy. When, if ever, have you put it all together in your mind and spoken this way to a patient? If you have missed the mark, there is time now to change. Sit down in your most quiet moments and write out your true belief in chiropractic. As a chiropractor image (visualize) your approach to adjusting interference when necessary so that the natural flow of life will maintain a patient's health.
Plan step by step toward a success-conscious goal in chiropractic. Clarify in the patients' mind what chiropractic is and what you plan for their personalized care. Review each step upon completion making a reminder to them of where they were, where they are, and their future steps to be accomplished. "Always tell the truth," "People who tell lies always get caught." If you don't know, say so, but state that from your experience in other similar cases that results have been favorable.
I am a doctor of chiropractic who has specialized in the care of infants, children, and female adults. I have experienced the recovery of patients with every known medical diagnosis by following the philosophy and chiropractic procedures. Our goal has always been to reach as many people as possible with chiropractic care. We have taught and will continue to teach the benefits of chiropractic. You can learn how to enrich your lives with good health and wealth, while you are expressing your love of giving to mankind and in return receive true happiness. A most recent incident occurred in my life to love chiropractic to its fullest. A chiropractic adjustment was given to a new born who was being maintained in an oxygen tent. Within a few moments after the baby received a chiropractic adjustment her body was normalized. This worked positively in this case and in millions of cases because I always go back to the "alpha of chiropractic": "What is a subluxation, where is it, how is it to be corrected, and when do I leave it alone."
There is nothing wrong with our philosophy of chiropractic. The problem is within each one of us to reach our inner core. To learn who we are, how to go, what will be our outcome, and what is our alternative.
You may address any questions to me, Dr. Helen K. Peet, at our winter office: 195 South Westmonte Drive, Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714
Helen K. Peet, D.C.
Newburgh, New York