News / Profession

AOL Chiropractic Networking Forum Chat Schedule

Editorial Staff

America Online's Chiropractic Professional Networking Forum, facilitated by DCs Bob Dubin and David Brady, is now in its third year of bringing the chiropractic profession together to communicate in cyberspace. The forum runs each Sunday evening, from 6-7 p.m. Pacific Time (9 p.m. EST). To get there, enter the keyword Better Health, and click on the Health & Medical Chat icon.

The chat schedule for the remainder of the year:

Dec 1: Dr. Stephen Perle -- TBA
Dec 8: Managed Care
Dec 15: Chiropractic Education

There will be no Sunday chats for Dec. 22 and 29 because of the Christmas and New Year's holidays.

On Tuesdays, Dr. Dubin can be found hosting Health Naturally, in the Digital City San Francisco area of America Online, from 8 to 9 p.m., Pacific Time. Health Naturally is devoted to bringing the public information about nondrug, nonsurgical approaches to health care.

Drs. Dubin and Brady can be e-mailed at:

December 1996
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