Some doctors thrive in a personality-based clinic and have a loyal following no matter what services or equipment they offer, but for most chiropractic offices who are trying to grow and expand, new equipment purchases help us stay relevant and continue to service our client base in the best, most up-to-date manner possible. So, regarding equipment purchasing: should you lease, get a bank loan, or pay cash?
25,000 Patient/Consumer Subscribers in Less than Eight Months
In less than eight months, ChiroWeb's To Your Health (TYH) electronic patient newsletter has exceeded over 25,000 subscribers. While the program was designed primarily to educate chiropractic patients, over 5,000 consumers have also subscribed, and are being referred to participating doctors of chiropractic.
The TYH program allows DCs to offer their patients (and other members of their community on an unlimited basis) a biweekly email newsletter that educates them about the benefits of chiropractic and wellness. The email newsletter provides valuable research-referenced information about chiropractic, and includes information about the doctors and their practices. Subscribers have the option to receive newsletters with graphics and photographs, including a photograph of each patient's doctor.
Consumer subscribers receive their newsletters with information right at the top on the nearest participating doctor of chiropractic. Thus far, 1,700 participating doctors are enjoying consumer newsletter referrals every two weeks. Unfortunately, there are still many consumers in areas without participating DCs.
Because To Your Health is an e-mail newsletter, it is extremely inexpensive to educate patients and can easily be forwarded to many more readers. Internet access is not required for participation.
For more information, please call toll-free 888-352-8180.