Acupuncture & Acupressure

Latest Chiropractic Acupuncture Symposium a Big Success

The ACA Council of Chiropractic Acupuncture (CCA) and the American Board of Chiropractic Acupuncture (ABCA) celebrated another joint event in Chicago Sept. 23-25, 2011. The weekend kicked off with the ABCA administering its fourth diplomate exam on Friday, Sept. 23, sponsored by and held at National University of Health Sciences. The ABCA is pleased to welcome 10 new doctors as diplomates in chiropractic acupuncture.

Friday evening brought all council members attending the weekend's event together for their annual meeting and dinner. Dr. Daryl Wills (past ACA president, 2001-2003) along with Dr. Tony Hamm (first chiropractor appointed to co-chair the AMA Health Care Professional Advisory Committee Review Board - HCPAC) spoke to the group, honoring their commitment to bringing standardization of chiropractic acupuncture to the profession. Dr. Hamm spoke about being appointed to HCPAC and what that means for our profession.

Dr. Todd Frisch was voted in to serve one last year as CCA president. Dr. Art Annis, vice president, Dr. Lisa Hart, treasurer, and Linda Frisch, secretary, will continue to serve on the council until October 2012.

The council and board inducted Dr. Jon Sunderlage and Dr. Richard Yennie into the Chiropractic Acupuncture Hall of Fame. It is due to their undying commitment and perseverance that chiropractic acupuncture is thriving in our profession today.

The symposium was a tremendous success, taught by six seasoned chiropractic acupuncture teachers and practitioners. Resounding appreciation was offered by most attending. Mark your calendar and plan to attend the CCA Symposium next year, Sept. 28-30, 2012, in St. Louis.

The ABCA will be administering its next diplomate exam on Friday, Sept. 28, 2012. We look forward to having more practitioners join the council and sit for the national diplomate acupuncture exam.

Source: Council of Chiropractic Acupuncture

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