Politics / Government / Legislation

Fifth Summit Meeting Yields Call to Action on Health Care Reform

Chiropractic Summit V, which convened on May 14 in Washington, D.C., has issued a historic call to action to the chiropractic profession, urging every doctor of chiropractic, state association, chiropractic student and chiropractic patient to mobilize to represent chiropractic in the national health reform debate.

This unified nationwide call follows an intensive day-long summit session in which members of Congress, congressional staff and key leaders in chiropractic and public policy examined the precise state of national health care reform to determine how and where the chiropractic profession will be most effective in directing messages of concern and calls for inclusion in any reform program.

It is imperative that you take immediate action to help ensure that your interests and those of your patients who need and depend on the essential services provided by a doctor of chiropractic are fully protected in any final legislation likely to emerge from Congress.

Specifically, we must:

A) Guarantee that essential services delivered by a doctor of chiropractic are included as a covered benefit under any national reform plan.

B) Ensure that all plans (including Medicare) allow for full direct access to the providers and health care pathways of their choice. Every patient should have the right to choose and be reimbursed for all health care services from doctors of chiropractic without barriers and limitations that unfairly restrict their freedom of choice.

C) Defeat any attempt to impose an MD-referral requirement for patients to obtain access to chiropractic care.

This is what you need to do today:

1) Contact your members of Congress (House member and two U.S. senators) immediately using ACA's Legislative Action Center or ICA's www.adjustthevote.org. At both sites, you can sign on to mobilize your patients and send regular appropriate pre-prepared messages to Congress quickly and efficiently.

2) Contact the President of the United States immediately via www.healthreform.gov and write a letter directly to the president, expressing your personal wishes regarding chiropractic inclusion in any reform proposal. Address your letter to:

Barack Obama
President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Because Congress and the White House will soon accelerate consideration of national reform legislation, it is vital we launch and sustain an intensified grassroots lobbying campaign NOW!

Source: Congress of Chiropractic State Associations

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