
Louis Sportelli, DC

Louis Sportelli is the president of the National Chiropractic Mutual Insurance Company (NCMIC) and a past president of the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC). Dr. Sportelli is a distinguished public speaker for chiropractic, having participated in hundreds of radio, television, newspaper and magazine interviews as a chiropractic spokesperson.

Dr. Sportelli has authored numerous articles for respected publications and writes a regular column for Dynamic Chiropractic entitled "In the Court of Public Opinion." Dr. Sportelli has co-authored several books, including Professional Chiropractic Practice: Ethics, Business, Jurisprudence & Risk Management; Opportunities in Chiropractic Health Care Careers; Medical-Legal Issues in Chiropractic; and The Chiropractic Form & Sample Letter Book. Dr. Sportelli's patient education booklet, Introduction to Chiropractic, written in 1976 and now in its 12th printing, is used throughout the world to better inform the public of the benefits of chiropractic.

A 1962 graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic, Dr. Sportelli maintains a private practice in Palmerton, Pennsylvania. He serves as a member of the board of trustees of the Blue Mountain Health System and chairs the Governance Committee.

Previous Articles

Advocacy Has No Expiration Date
January 1, 2023 (Vol. 41, Issue 01)

126 Years of Challenges
May 1, 2022 (Vol. 40, Issue 05)

Putting an End to Terminal Apathy: Your Chance to Change Our Future
September 15, 2013 (Vol. 31, Issue 18)

Help Share "Doctored" (the Verb and the Movie) With the World
December 16, 2012 (Vol. 30, Issue 26)

The Tipping Point of Public Relations for Chiropractic May Be Close at Hand
June 17, 2012 (Vol. 30, Issue 13)

Don't Kill the Messenger: Healthy Dialogue Creates a Real Opportunity for Growth
December 16, 2011 (Vol. 29, Issue 26)

When Will We Realize That We Have Nothing Left to Lose?
August 26, 2011 (Vol. 29, Issue 18)

Are We Connected or Disconnected? Technology and Genuine Dialogue
June 17, 2011 (Vol. 29, Issue 13)

Dr. Ian Coulter: A Chiropractic Luminary
May 6, 2011 (Vol. 29, Issue 10)

Death by Medicine: Where's the Outrage?
February 12, 2011 (Vol. 29, Issue 04)

The Right Way and Wrong Way to Practice: Time for a Second Opinion
October 21, 2010 (Vol. 28, Issue 22)

Paying Tribute to a True Leader in Chiropractic
November 18, 2010 (Vol. 28, Issue 24)

An Old War in a Modern Era: AMA's "Contain and Eliminate" Tactics Alive and Well
July 15, 2010 (Vol. 28, Issue 15)

Research: A Challenge for the 21st Century
May 6, 2010 (Vol. 28, Issue 10)

Five Points: Must-Have Elements of a Successful Practice

Coke: It's the Unreal Thing
February 12, 2010 (Vol. 28, Issue 04)

Are You Motivated to Shape Your Professional Future?
December 16, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 26)

Is "Word of Mouse" Replacing Word of Mouth?
November 18, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 24)

Reserve Your Seat on the Health Care Train
July 29, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 16)

Is Chiropractic Considered a Subprime Profession?
June 3, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 12)

Doing Due Diligence
March 12, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 06)

Putting the Serve Back in Service
January 29, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 03)

What’s the Difference Between Greed and Ethics?
December 16, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 26)

A Tremendous Loss
December 2, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 25)

Politics – Can It Get Any Stranger?
October 7, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 21)

A Resurgence of Ethics
August 26, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 18)

Anti-Chiropractic Efforts Far From Over
July 1, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 14)

Sleep on It for a While
May 6, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 10)

Looking Forward to Chiropractic's Future
February 26, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 05)

Our Self-Image in 2008
January 15, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 02)

Christmas: What's on Your List?
December 17, 2007 (Vol. 25, Issue 26)

How Far Have We Really Come?
October 22, 2007 (Vol. 25, Issue 22)

Bye Bye Barrett
August 27, 2007 (Vol. 25, Issue 18)

Plotting Your Destiny, Part Two
May 21, 2007 (Vol. 25, Issue 11)

Plotting Your Destiny, Part One
May 7, 2007 (Vol. 25, Issue 10)

Lessons in Leadership
March 12, 2007 (Vol. 25, Issue 06)

The Wellness Bandwagon Is Full... Now What
January 15, 2007 (Vol. 25, Issue 02)

Life's Simple Lessons Are Truly Gifts
September 28, 2006 (Vol. 24, Issue 20)

The Passing of a Chiropractic Icon
July 4, 2006 (Vol. 24, Issue 14)

What Can Forrest Gump Teach Us?
May 22, 2006 (Vol. 24, Issue 11)

Chiropractic Sports Devotees Deserve a Gold Medal!
April 10, 2006 (Vol. 24, Issue 08)

A New Revelation - A Renewed Hope for Resolution
January 15, 2006 (Vol. 24, Issue 02)

Opening the Windows of Chiropractic
January 1, 2006 (Vol. 24, Issue 01)

Rebuilding After a Flood: A City or a Profession?
November 20, 2005 (Vol. 23, Issue 24)

Think Again! About the Insurance Your Profession Needs to Exist
September 14, 2005 (Vol. 23, Issue 19)

No Identity = Bankruptcy
May 21, 2005 (Vol. 23, Issue 11)

Professional Advertising: What Have We Wrought?
January 29, 2005 (Vol. 23, Issue 03)

Seminar Warning: "Big Brother," Not Santa, May Be Sitting Next to You, Taking Names
December 16, 2004 (Vol. 22, Issue 26)

Good Thinking Can Come out of Iraq
October 7, 2004 (Vol. 22, Issue 21)

The Power of the Press
July 29, 2004 (Vol. 22, Issue 16)

Dr. King Stressed the Need for Self-Criticism
May 20, 2004 (Vol. 22, Issue 11)

A Century of Reflections
February 26, 2004 (Vol. 22, Issue 05)

Ethics Aren't Only for Medics
January 15, 2004 (Vol. 22, Issue 02)

New Equipment -- An Investment in Yourself
November 11, 1991 (Vol. 09, Issue 23)

The Collective Image of the Profession
August 16, 1991 (Vol. 09, Issue 17)

NCMIC -- How Far We've Come! How Far We Need To Go!
June 21, 1991 (Vol. 09, Issue 13)

Check Notes! Patient Complaints Ignored
December 4, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 25)

Malpractice: Patient Charges DC with Battery
September 10, 1993 (Vol. 11, Issue 19)

A Dangerous Courtesy
January 15, 1993 (Vol. 11, Issue 02)

AHCPR -- It Did Not Happen By Accident
January 16, 1995 (Vol. 13, Issue 02)

Sunbeams in Your Eyes Can Be Blinding, or You Bet I Will Endorse Your Product
December 1, 1997 (Vol. 15, Issue 25)

Drugs Not Hugs, or Does Advertising Pay?
October 6, 1997 (Vol. 15, Issue 21)

A Media Challenge: Fish, Cut Bait, or Wear your Swimsuit!
April 21, 1997 (Vol. 15, Issue 09)

Why Writer's Don't Write about Chiropractic
February 24, 1997 (Vol. 15, Issue 05)

Our Debut
January 1, 1997 (Vol. 15, Issue 01)

The New England Journal of Medicine Articles: Any Lessons to Be Learned?
November 30, 1998 (Vol. 16, Issue 25)

The Chiropractic Primaries: We Need to Do Some Soul Searching
October 19, 1998 (Vol. 16, Issue 22)

The U.S. Department of Labor's 1998-1999 Occupational Outlook Handbook
August 24, 1998 (Vol. 16, Issue 18)

A Shared Vision for the Next Millennium
June 29, 1998 (Vol. 16, Issue 14)

A Close Look at Therapeutic Touch, or ...
May 4, 1998 (Vol. 16, Issue 10)

Headaches: Many Causes -- Some New, Some Old!
March 23, 1998 (Vol. 16, Issue 07)

1998: A Real Chance to Make a Difference in the Congress of the United States
February 9, 1998 (Vol. 16, Issue 04)

Saddam Hussein -- Troublesome, but Are There Lessons to Be Learned?
January 12, 1998 (Vol. 16, Issue 02)

Mixed Messages: Are We Getting Them or Sending Them?
December 15, 1999 (Vol. 17, Issue 26)

A Doctors Union: Uniting or Dividing?
September 20, 1999 (Vol. 17, Issue 20)

New Zealand 20 Years Later: Can We Learn Anything?
August 9, 1999 (Vol. 17, Issue 17)

National Managed Health Care Congress: Alternatives Become Mainstream
May 17, 1999 (Vol. 17, Issue 11)

The Movement toward Alternatives: Fad, Fantasy, Fiction or Fact
April 5, 1999 (Vol. 17, Issue 08)

Chiropractic "Blue Light Special"
February 22, 1999 (Vol. 17, Issue 05)

New Year Resolutions: Maybe Some New Thoughts for `99 Are in Order
January 12, 1999 (Vol. 17, Issue 02)

Drug Addition and Managed Care - What's the Difference?
November 15, 2000 (Vol. 18, Issue 24)

Politics Can't Wait Until November
October 2, 2000 (Vol. 18, Issue 21)

What's Happened to Humor?
August 18, 2000 (Vol. 18, Issue 18)

From Rumor to Freedom
July 10, 2000 (Vol. 18, Issue 15)

Consumer Reports Cannot Con the Consumer
May 29, 2000 (Vol. 18, Issue 12)

Doctors Writing "Poems"? Do Tell - Can They Help Make Patients Well?
April 17, 2000 (Vol. 18, Issue 09)

CAM: Chiropractic-Acupuncture-Massage, Complementary-Alternative-Medicine, or Chiropractors-Accepting-Mediocrity?
March 6, 2000 (Vol. 18, Issue 06)

Let's Take a Few Steps Back and Maybe Change Our Approach
January 25, 2000 (Vol. 18, Issue 03)

December 1, 2001 (Vol. 19, Issue 25)

Halloween and Other Ghoulish Things
October 22, 2001 (Vol. 19, Issue 22)

Nothing Causes You to Focus on the Future More than Knowing You May Be Hung in the Morning!
September 12, 2001 (Vol. 19, Issue 19)

Is the News Getting Crazier, or Is It Just Me?
July 30, 2001 (Vol. 19, Issue 16)

Paris in the Springtime
July 2, 2001 (Vol. 19, Issue 14)

CAM Integration or Chiropractic CAMouflage?
June 18, 2001 (Vol. 19, Issue 13)

Standing in Line - For What?
May 7, 2001 (Vol. 19, Issue 10)

When Are We Going to Learn, and from Whom?
March 26, 2001 (Vol. 19, Issue 07)

Who Says You Can't Teach an Old Dogma New Tricks?
February 12, 2001 (Vol. 19, Issue 04)

Another New Year - Anything New Happening?
January 1, 2001 (Vol. 19, Issue 01)

Some Reflections for Christmas and the New Year
November 30, 2002 (Vol. 20, Issue 25)

Chiropractic Founder's Day - September 18
October 21, 2002 (Vol. 20, Issue 22)

Hogwash from Hollywood: Can We Learn Anything?
September 13, 2002 (Vol. 20, Issue 19)

Now Is Not the Time to Remain Silent
August 16, 2002 (Vol. 20, Issue 17)

Memorial Day - A Day to Reflect
June 17, 2002 (Vol. 20, Issue 13)

If It Seems Too Good to Be True, It Probably Is
May 6, 2002 (Vol. 20, Issue 10)

"Free" at Last!
February 11, 2002 (Vol. 20, Issue 04)

Resolutions, Again...
January 1, 2002 (Vol. 20, Issue 01)

Bedside Manners: What Will They Think of Next?
November 17, 2003 (Vol. 21, Issue 24)

Treating Children: Why Do the Urban Legends Continue?
August 16, 2003 (Vol. 21, Issue 17)

Do We Have the Strength to Survive?
June 30, 2003 (Vol. 21, Issue 14)

If Chiropractic Were a Business, Would You Invest in It? A View Beyond the AMA
May 19, 2003 (Vol. 21, Issue 11)

HIPAA: Beware the "Ides of April"
April 21, 2003 (Vol. 21, Issue 09)

A Lott to Learn From
February 10, 2003 (Vol. 21, Issue 04)